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金融研究  2015, Vol. 422 Issue (8): 141-158    
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江轩宇, 许年行
中央财经大学会计学院,北京 100081;
中国人民大学商学院,北京 100872
Corporate Over-investment and Stock Price Crash risk
JIANG Xuanyu, XU Nianhang
School of Accountancy, Central University of Finance & Economics;
School of Business, Renmin University of China
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摘要 实体经济的过热投资是否会导致股市出现“泡沫”进而引发股市的暴跌风险是当前学术界和实务界关注的一个焦点问题。本文以2004-2013年A股上市公司为样本,从微观层面考察企业过度投资对股价崩盘风险的影响,并从“代理理论”和“管理者过度自信”两种视角分析其背后的作用机理。研究结果表明:(1)企业过度投资显著加剧了股价未来的崩盘风险;(2)股东与经理人之间的代理冲突而非管理者过度自信是导致二者正相关的主要原因;(3)进一步的研究发现,企业过度投资对未来股价崩盘风险的影响具有长期性,且其对股价未来的暴涨不具有预测能力。本文的研究结论不仅丰富了股价崩盘风险、过度投资等相关领域的文献,对于如何抑制实体经济投资过热以降低股价崩盘风险、维护金融市场稳定也具有重要的参考价值。
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关键词:  过度投资  股价崩盘风险  公司治理  管理者过度自信    
Abstract:  Using a sample of A-share listed firms in China for the period 2004-2013, this paper investigates the relationship between corporate over-investment and stock price crash risk from the perspective of agency theory and managerial overconfidence. Our results show that, first, firms with more over-investment behavior face higher future stock price crash risk. Second, we find that the positive relation between over-investment and crash risk is attenuated when firms have lower agency cost, but CEO overconfidence has no impact on this relationship. This indicates that the manager’s bad news hoarding behavior due to conflict of interest between manager and shareholders, rather than managerial overconfidence, is the main driver for the above result. A further study shows that the predictive ability of over-investment for future crash risk is robust to longer measurement window of crash risk. However, corporate over-investment cannot predict future stock price positive jumps risk. Our paper not only contributes to the literature on stock price crash risk and corporate over-investment, but also has important practical implications for the development of capital market in China.
Key words:  Over-investment    Stock price crash risk    Corporate governance    Managerial overconfidence
JEL分类号:  G14   G31   G34  
基金资助: *本文感谢“中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目成果(14XNJ019)”对本研究的支持。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见。文责自负。
作者简介:  江轩宇,管理学博士,讲师,中央财经大学会计学院, 许年行,管理学博士,教授,中国人民大学商学院,
江轩宇, 许年行. 企业过度投资与股价崩盘风险[J]. 金融研究, 2015, 422(8): 141-158.
JIANG Xuanyu, XU Nianhang. Corporate Over-investment and Stock Price Crash risk. Journal of Financial Research, 2015, 422(8): 141-158.
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