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金融研究  2017, Vol. 449 Issue (11): 81-95    DOI: 10.12094/1002-7246(2017)11-0081-15
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牟敦果, 王沛英
厦门大学经济学院,福建厦门 361005;中国人民银行金融研究所,北京 100800
Study of Endogenous Energy Prices and Monetary Policy Choice in China
MOU Dunguo, WANG Peiying
School of Economics, Xiamen University; Research Institute of Finance and Banking, The People’s Bank of China
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摘要 本文基于TVP-VAR的实证研究表明,国内石油价格受国际影响,国内煤炭价格对国际价格有着显著的引领作用;能源价格在月度数据水平上表现出对中国宏观经济的依赖,显示出内生性特点。内生性的煤炭和石油价格对产业营业收入、利润和股票价格分别有着不同的影响,会扩大股市的泡沫成份。能源价格对经济的影响不是将能源价格纳入货币政策盯住目标的理由,基于系统模拟的结果表明稳健的货币政策有利于宏观经济的稳定。
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关键词:  能源价格  经济冲击  货币政策    
Abstract:  The empirical study based on TVP-VAR shows that domestic oil prices are influenced by international prices; yet domestic coal prices have leading effect on international prices. On monthly data level, energy prices show dependence on China’s macroeconomic data, revealing the endogenous characteristics. The endogenous coal and oil prices have complex effects on industrial income, profit and stock prices, which may expand the bubble factor in security market. The complex effects on economy are not the reason that monetary policy should respond to energy prices, the systematic simulation shows that the stable monetary policy is more beneficial to economic stability.
Key words:  Energy Price    Economic Impacts    Monetary Policy
JEL分类号:  E37   E52   Q43  
基金资助: 教育部青年基金项目(批准号:13YJC790110)
作者简介:  牟敦果,经济学博士,副教授,厦门大学经济学院,Email:王沛英,经济学博士,副研究员,中国人民银行金融研究所,Email:
牟敦果, 王沛英. 中国能源价格内生性研究及货币政策选择分析[J]. 金融研究, 2017, 449(11): 81-95.
MOU Dunguo, WANG Peiying. Study of Endogenous Energy Prices and Monetary Policy Choice in China. Journal of Financial Research, 2017, 449(11): 81-95.
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