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金融研究  2023, Vol. 514 Issue (4): 74-91    
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郭晔, 姚若琪, 熊鹭
厦门大学经济学院/厦门大学大数据金融交叉实验室,福建厦门 361005;
厦门大学经济学院,福建厦门 361005
Interbank Regulations, Idling Funds,and SME Financing
School of Economics/Laboratory of Digital Finance, Xiamen University;
School of Economics, Xiamen University
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摘要 本文基于我国同业监管实践构建了银行同业资金空转衡量指标,并从同业规模和同业资金空转两个角度分析比较了同业监管作用于小微企业融资的效果和机制。结果发现,同业“类贷款”与小微企业融资可获得性和综合融资成本存在“U型”的非线性关系,地区金融发展水平越高,小微企业对同业“类贷款”的依赖越低。此外,相较于单一的限制性监管,穿透式加同业负债控制的监管模式能够有效控制同业套利;通过限制银行同业资金空转是改善小微企业融资并实现结构化调控的有效途径,但同业规模因不具备结构性特征,其监管效果则需要权衡。进一步研究发现,适当的银行间同业资金周转调剂可以使中小银行充分发挥“毛细血管”作用。本文为灵活运用穿透式监管等同业监管手段,从而实现信贷资源的结构化和精细化调控,提供了政策启示。
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关键词:  同业监管  同业资金空转  同业“类贷款”  小微企业融资  穿透式监管    
Summary:  To avoid control of credit scale and structure, China's commercial banks began to convert loans into interbank assets by nonstandard accounting operations. Over a long period of time, these interbank “quasi-loans” which are in the form of interbank assets, became an important form of Chinese-style shadow banking practices. Hence, China's regulatory authorities began to focus on strengthening the regulation of interbank arbitrage and idling funds. However, the Western experience does not have reference value because of the unique Chinese interbank arbitrage conditions. Accordingly, China is experimenting with and adjusting interbank regulations to identify culturally Chinese supervision methods. Simultaneously, interbank quasi-loans have a profound impact on the financing of small and micro enterprises (SMEs). On the one hand, informal financing practices, such as interbank quasi-loans, can complement formal financing practices. On the other hand, interbank arbitrage will crowd out SMEs' financing availability. In addition, the idling funds generated during the interbank arbitrage will also lead to a virtual economic boom that will distort the allocation of credit resources and worsen SMEs' financing environment. Therefore, using Chinese interbank regulations to regulate interbank quasi-loans efficiently is of great significance for SMEs' financing practices.
To test the impact and mechanism of interbank regulations on the SMEs' financing availability and comprehensive financing costs empirically, we select SMEs that are energy intensive, highly polluting, or operating at overcapacity, in addition to real estate enterprises, as the research object. Under the limitation of data availability and quality, all the SMEs that we choose are listed companies or publicly traded on the new over-the-counter market. The financial and macro data for 2008 to 2019 are drawn from the Wind Economic Database while the monetary policy and credit data are drawn from the People's Bank of China's official website. In addition, considering the endogeneity problem, we use the systematic generalized method of moments as the empirical model. First, we introduce the different arbitrage methods used in the interbank market in China and construct an interbank idling funds index. Second, based on our theoretical analysis and research hypothesis, we examine the nonlinear impact of interbank quasi-loans on financing availability and the comprehensive financing cost for SMEs. Next, we use the mediating effect model to test and compare the heterogeneous regulation mechanism in SMEs' financing practices in addition to these enterprises that could obtain loans easily. Meanwhile, we concentrate on the role of interbank idling funds during this process. Finally, we analyze the influence of interbank capital turnover on the comprehensive financing costs for SMEs by constructing an interbank fund turnover index.
We found that an U-shaped nonlinear relationship between interbank quasi-loans and SMEs' financing practices. The more developed the regional formal financial framework is, the less SMEs will depend on interbank quasi-loans. Moreover, by comparing the containment mode of interbank regulations, we find that the flow control and look-through regulations are effective in controlling interbank quasi-loans. Specifically, the structural effect of restricting interbank fund idling effectively improves SMEs' financing practices. However, restricting the scale of interbank practices must be weighed further as research shows that interbank fund turnovers have not reached an optimal level.
This paper contributes to the literature in the following aspects. First, China's regulatory authorities have accumulated some interbank regulation experience in recent years, but the literature rarely discusses the effect and mechanism of interbank regulations on the real economy. Hence, this paper takes interbank regulations as the main starting point to provide suggestions for Chinese-style interbank regulations. Secondly, earlier studies usually take the interbank scale as a characteristic of interbank arbitrage and seldom focus on the role of interbank idling funds. This paper proposes a quantitative index for interbank idling funds, which aids in understanding its connotations and could inspire future research into interbank idling funds. Third, SMEs' financing difficulties cannot be separated from interbank regulation interventions. However, the literature is inconsistent considering informal financing perspectives. This paper discusses the relationship between interbank quasi-loans and SMEs' financing practices, which extends the literature on the interaction between SMEs' financing practices and informal financing practices.
Keywords:  Interbank Regulations    Idling Funds    Quasi-loans    SME Financing    Look-through Regulation
JEL分类号:  C23   G28   P34  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家社会科学基金重大项目“重大突发公共卫生事件冲击与系统性金融风险防控研究”(项目号:20&ZD106)的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  姚若琪,博士研究生,厦门大学经济学院,   
作者简介:  郭 晔,经济学博士,教授,厦门大学经济学院/厦门大学大数据金融交叉实验室,
熊 鹭,经济学博士,厦门大学经济学院,
郭晔, 姚若琪, 熊鹭. 同业监管、资金空转与小微企业融资[J]. 金融研究, 2023, 514(4): 74-91.
GUO Ye, YAO Ruoqi, XIONG Lu. Interbank Regulations, Idling Funds,and SME Financing. Journal of Financial Research, 2023, 514(4): 74-91.
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