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金融研究  2020, Vol. 478 Issue (4): 48-69    
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张盼盼, 张胜利, 陈建国
南开大学经济学院,天津 300071;
浙江大学经济学院,浙江杭州 310058;
南开大学经济学院/中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心,天津 300071
Financing Constraints, Financial Liberalization, and the Export Domestic Value-Added Rate of Manufacturing Firms
ZHANG Panpan, ZHANG Shengli, CHEN Jianguo
School of Economics, Nankai University;
School of Economics, Zhejiang University;
School of Economics/Collaborative Innovation Center for China Economy, Nankai University
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摘要 融资约束是制约中国企业发展的一个关键性因素。本文系统地检验了融资约束对制造业企业出口国内增加值率(DVAR)的影响和机制以及金融市场化在该影响中的调节作用。研究结果发现:(1)融资约束显著抑制了制造业企业出口DVAR的提升,这一结果在考虑测量误差和内生性问题后依然稳健。(2)影响机制检验结果显示,技术创新是融资约束抑制制造业企业出口DVAR提升的重要机制。(3)异质性分析显示加工贸易企业、民营企业和外资企业、低生产率企业、东部地区企业的融资约束对其出口DVAR提升的抑制作用较大。(4)金融市场化进程中的利率市场化能够有效缓解融资约束对制造业企业出口DVAR提升的抑制作用,而影子银行规模扩张则加重了融资约束对制造业企业出口DVAR提升的抑制作用。因此,缓解制造业企业的融资约束,提升其技术创新能力,推进并完善金融市场化水平是提升中国制造业出口DVAR,增强外贸获利水平的重要途径。
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关键词:  融资约束  金融市场化  出口国内增加值率  技术创新    
Summary:  Since China's accession to the WTO, its foreign trade has developed rapidly. However, China's trade gains, i.e., its domestic value added rate of exports (DVAR), remain relatively low. Moreover, China's current international trade situation is increasingly difficult. In recent years, China has repeatedly stressed the need to strengthen financial services to benefit the real economy. Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance to study how financing constraints affect China's export DVAR and how they are regulated by financial liberalization, to strengthen financial services and improve the profitability of foreign trade in the current complex international situation.
This paper takes Chinese manufacturing export firms as the research object and focuses on the effect of financing constraints on the export DVAR of manufacturing firms. First, it examines the negative impact of financing constraints on enterprises' export DVAR and the mechanism by which reduced technological innovation due to financing constraints negatively impacts enterprises' export DVAR. On this basis, this paper analyzes these heterogeneous negative impacts from four perspectives: trade mode, productivity, ownership, and region. Furthermore, it analyzes the regulatory role of financial liberalization in these negative impacts. Finally, it carries out a robustness test to address potential measurement error and endogeneity problems.
In the empirical test, we used fixed effects model. This paper has two theoretical bases. The first is that financing constraints may inhibit export DVAR through reduced technological innovation. The second is that financial liberalization may affect the negative impact of financing constraints on enterprises' export DVAR.
Three data sources are used in this study. The first is the China Industry Business Performance Database, from the National Bureau of Statistics of China. The second is the China Customs Statistics Database, from the China General Administration of Customs. The third is the China Patent Database Abstracts, from the China National Intellectual Property Office.
The main conclusions are as follows. Chinese manufacturing firms' financing constraints significantly inhibit the promotion of their export DVAR, and technological innovation is the main mechanism. Interest rate liberalization can effectively alleviate this inhibition, while increased shadow banking aggravates it. Therefore, we suggest that the government attempt to alleviate the financing constraints of enterprises by continuing to implement cost reduction measures to ease internal financing constraints and increasing financial liberalization to ease external financing constraints. More financing support should also be given to processing trade enterprises, private enterprises, foreign-owned enterprises, low-productivity enterprises, and enterprises in eastern regions. Lastly, measures should be taken to increase enterprises' technological innovation, such as promoting the financing of technology and creating special funds.
This paper makes several contributions to the literature. First, it constructs comprehensive indicators to measure the financing constraints of enterprises and comprehensively measures their export DVAR. In contrast, the indicators of financing constraints selected by previous studies were relatively simple and the measure of export DVAR of enterprises was not comprehensive. Second, the paper more deeply examines the impact of financing constraints on manufacturing firms' export DVAR and explains the low DVAR of Chinese enterprises' exports from the perspective of financing constraints. Third, this paper examines the regulatory role of financial liberalization on interest rate liberalization and the expanding scale of the shadow banking system. Fourth, this paper makes policy suggestions for the promotion of China's export DVAR.
Keywords:  Financing Constraints    Financial Liberalization    DVAR    Technological Innovation
JEL分类号:  F1   F10   F19  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家自然科学基金面上项目(71473137)、国家社会科学基金一般项目(18BGL192)的资助。
作者简介:  张盼盼,博士研究生,南开大学经济学院,
陈建国,经济学博士,教授,南开大学经济学院,中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心, E-mail:
张盼盼, 张胜利, 陈建国. 融资约束、金融市场化与制造业企业出口国内增加值率[J]. 金融研究, 2020, 478(4): 48-69.
ZHANG Panpan, ZHANG Shengli, CHEN Jianguo. Financing Constraints, Financial Liberalization, and the Export Domestic Value-Added Rate of Manufacturing Firms. Journal of Financial Research, 2020, 478(4): 48-69.
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