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金融研究  2019, Vol. 463 Issue (1): 72-90    
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外资进入自由化 如何影响了中国本土企业创新?
南开大学经济学院,天津 300071
How Does Foreign Entry Liberalization Affect Indigenous Firm Innovation?
MAO Qilin
School of Economics, Nankai University
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摘要 本文以中国政府2002年对《外商投资产业指导目录》的修订所引发的外资自由化为准自然实验,采用倍差法系统评估了外资进入对本土企业创新的影响及其作用机制。研究表明,外资进入不仅显著提高了创新程度,而且还有利于延长本土企业的创新持续时间。此外,我们还发现,知识产权保护强化了外资进入对本土企业创新的促进作用,这一结论在使用专利申请数衡量创新以及采用FDI溢出指标刻画外资进入程度之后依然稳健。最后,我们进一步考察了外资进入影响本土企业创新的作用机制,发现研发能力增强与融资约束程度降低是外资进入促进本土企业创新的两个重要渠道。本文研究为客观评估中国近年来引资政策的绩效提供了微观依据,同时对于如何有效促进本土企业创新具有一定政策启示意义。
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关键词:  外资进入  本土企业  企业创新  倍差法    
Summary:  In the past 30 years, especially since joining the WTO, China has attracted substantial international direct investment from foreign-funded enterprises. According to the World Investment Prospects Survey Report 2010–2012 issued by the United Nations Trade and Development Organization, China topped the list of the world's 15 most attractive investment destinations. By 2015, China had accumulated 1.6 trillion U.S. dollars in actual foreign investment, accounting for about 8% of the global total for the same period, the second largest inflow of foreign investment to a single country after the U.S. How has this foreign entry affected the performance of indigenous firms? Independent innovation is the engine and source of economic growth along with the adjustment and optimization of economic structures. This paper analyzes the impact of foreign entry on innovation by indigenous firms and also the underlying mechanisms, which are of great importance in systematically assessing China's use of FDI in recent years and the future adjustment of its foreign investment policy. The data used in this study are from the Annual Survey of Industrial Enterprises (ASIE) from 1998 to 2007 obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics. The survey covers all state-owned industrial enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises with “above-scale” income (i.e., main business income exceeding 5 million yuan). Based on the quasi-natural experiment of FDI liberalization arising from the revision of the “Industrial Guide for Foreign Investment” in 2002, this paper adopts the difference-in-differences (DID) method to investigate the impact of foreign entry on indigenous firm innovation and its underlying mechanisms. The results show that foreign entry not only helps to promote indigenous firm innovation but also increases the duration of innovation. In addition, we find that good intellectual property insurance tends to strengthen the positive impact of foreign entry on indigenous firm innovation, and this result is robust to alternative measures of both innovation and foreign entry. Last but not least, we explore the mechanisms via which foreign entry affects indigenous firm innovation, and find that “R&D ability improvement” and “financial constraint reduction” are the two important channels through which foreign entry promotes indigenous firm innovation. The results contain significant policy implications. According to the findings, foreign entry significantly promotes indigenous firm innovation, thus China ought to further formulate and improve relevant policies to attract FDI more vigorously. For instance, it is feasible to continuously improve the facilitation of foreign entry through innovative use of the foreign investment system and by conducting national treatment plus negative list management. Another important finding is that regional intellectual property protection not only promotes indigenous firm innovation directly, but also tends to strengthen the positive impact of foreign entry on indigenous firm innovation, thus China should further enhance and improve its regional intellectual property insurance. This paper makes the following contributions. First, most studies on the relation between foreign entry and indigenous firm innovation are based on aggregate data at the macro level, using traditional econometric methods for empirical research. However, this paper is based on micro data and adopts the difference-in-differences method which effectively overcomes endogeneity problems and provides a more accurate evaluation of the impact of foreign entry on indigenous firm innovation than previous studies. Second, this paper not only investigates the impact of foreign entry on indigenous firm innovation, but also analyzes the relation between the two from the perspective of the duration of innovation. Third, considering the significant regional differences in the degree of intellectual property protection in China, this paper integrates intellectual property protection into a unified analytical framework, and finds that good intellectual property insurance tends to strengthen the positive impact of foreign entry on indigenous firm innovation. This finding is important for future policymaking to more effectively utilize foreign capital to promote indigenous firm innovation. Last but not least, based on abundant samples from ASIE, this paper uses a mediation model to test in depth how foreign entry affects indigenous firm innovation.
Keywords:  Foreign Entry    Indigenous Firms    Innovation    Difference in Differences
JEL分类号:  F23   F63   O30  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家自然科学基金项目(71773055)、南开大学中央专项基本科研业务费(63185009)、国家社会科学基金重大项目(18ZDA078)、南开大学百名青年学科带头人培养计划以及天津市人才发展特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才项目(TJTZJH-QNBJRC-2-23)的资助。
作者简介:  毛其淋,经济学博士,副教授,南开大学经济学院国际经济研究所、跨国公司研究中心、中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心,
毛其淋. 外资进入自由化 如何影响了中国本土企业创新?[J]. 金融研究, 2019, 463(1): 72-90.
MAO Qilin. How Does Foreign Entry Liberalization Affect Indigenous Firm Innovation?. Journal of Financial Research, 2019, 463(1): 72-90.
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