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金融研究  2018, Vol. 462 Issue (12): 174-188    
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深圳大学经济学院,广东深圳 518060
Research on Improving China's Agricultural Insurance System
YE Zhaohui
College of Economics,Shenzhen University
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摘要 农业保险是世界各国普遍采用的管理农业风险、降低农业生产不确定性的重要措施。农业保险市场失灵现象在世界各国普遍存在。本文从农业保险的特点和主要类型出发,概述了全球农业保险的发展态势和典型经验,以及我国农业保险的发展概况,结合农业保险研究进展对我国农业保险发展存在问题和挑战进行讨论。为建立多层次农业保险体系,应当明确界定我国农业保险的目标,厘清与宏观经济目标的区别,制定农业保险发展的长期战略性规划;注重农业保险创新的科学性、有效性验证,避免农业保险创新催生新的风险;改革农业保险核损的组织形式,提高农户分散经营背景下的农业保险经营效率;加强微观层面的研究,切实提升农业保险需求;深入全面地研究政府支持农业保险的效率和效果,动态调整支持力度,丰富支持农业保险的方式。
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关键词:  农业保险风险管理  多层次农业保险体系  政府支持  农业保险创新    
Abstract:  Agricultural insurance is an important measure for managing agricultural risk and reducing the uncertainty of agricultural production, but agricultural insurance market failure exists globally. This paper summarizes the development trend and typical experience of agricultural insurance in major economies including China, and focus on the issues and challenges of China's agricultural insurance system. Key policy implications are discussed for establishing a multi-level agricultural insurance system.Firstly, clearly defineobjectives of China'sagricultural insurance, and clarify its differences from objectives of macro-economic policies as well as the positive impacts of agricultural insurance,and set a long-term strategic developmentplan. Secondly, verify the effectiveness of agricultural insurance innovation products, and avoid new risks arising from agricultural insurance innovation. Thirdly, reform the organizational form of damage assessment in agricultural insurance industry, given decentralized feature of Chinese farmers. Fourthly, put more efforts on micro-level research to provide effective measures for the demand deficiency issue ofagricultural insurance in China. Fifthly, do thoroughly and comprehensively analysis about the efficiency of support for agricultural insurance, provide insights for dynamically adjustmentsin government support intensity and its form.
Key words:  Agricultural Insurance    Risk Management    Multi-level Agricultural Insurance System    Government Support    Innovations of Agricultural Insurance
JEL分类号:  Q14   Q18  
作者简介:  叶朝晖,管理学博士,副教授,深圳大学经济学院,
叶朝晖. 关于完善我国农业保险制度的思考[J]. 金融研究, 2018, 462(12): 174-188.
YE Zhaohui. Research on Improving China's Agricultural Insurance System. Journal of Financial Research, 2018, 462(12): 174-188.
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