Agricultural insurance is an important measure for managing agricultural risk and reducing the uncertainty of agricultural production, but agricultural insurance market failure exists globally. This paper summarizes the development trend and typical experience of agricultural insurance in major economies including China, and focus on the issues and challenges of China's agricultural insurance system. Key policy implications are discussed for establishing a multi-level agricultural insurance system.Firstly, clearly defineobjectives of China'sagricultural insurance, and clarify its differences from objectives of macro-economic policies as well as the positive impacts of agricultural insurance,and set a long-term strategic developmentplan. Secondly, verify the effectiveness of agricultural insurance innovation products, and avoid new risks arising from agricultural insurance innovation. Thirdly, reform the organizational form of damage assessment in agricultural insurance industry, given decentralized feature of Chinese farmers. Fourthly, put more efforts on micro-level research to provide effective measures for the demand deficiency issue ofagricultural insurance in China. Fifthly, do thoroughly and comprehensively analysis about the efficiency of support for agricultural insurance, provide insights for dynamically adjustmentsin government support intensity and its form.
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