Whether returnees can promote enterprises' export? There hasn't quantitative identification of the above problems so far. Based on the firm-level micro data of China,this paper comprehensively and systematically investigates the effects of returnees on firms' export behavior. The results show that:Returnees have a positive effect on firms' export, and the above “export-driven” effect is continuous and increasing year by year. We further introduce regional governance environment index into our study, and find that good governance environment can not only improve firms' export directly but also strengthen the positive effect of government subsidy on firms' export. Lastly, the industrial level dynamic decomposition results show that, the industrial aggregate quality growth is mainly from the intensive margin, while the extensive margin is much smaller. All in all, this paper signifies the “export-driven” effect of returnees from a micro level, which can provide important policy reference for China to effectively tap the advantages and potential value of returnees in rising China's export competitiveness.
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