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金融研究  2018, Vol. 452 Issue (2): 118-134    
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南开大学APEC研究中心,天津 300071
International Returnees and Firms' Export Behavior: Micro Evidence from China
XU Jiayun
APEC Study Center, Nankai University
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摘要 海归能否促进母国企业的出口?目前国内还尚未有文献专门对此进行研究。本文使用工业企业微观数据、海关贸易数据以及中国上市公司治理结构研究数据库的合并样本,系统评估了海归对企业出口行为的影响。研究发现,海归对企业出口产生了积极作用,并且上述正向的“出口拉动”效应在样本期内具有持续性而且是逐年递增的。进一步,我们考察了地区制度环境的重要性,发现良好的地区制度环境有利于强化海归对企业出口的促进效应。最后,行业出口质量的动态分解表明,资源再配置效应对行业出口质量提高的贡献高达54%,其在海归促进行业出口质量提高中发挥了关键作用。本文从微观层面证实了海归“出口拉动”效应的存在,对我国有效挖掘海归在提升企业出口竞争力方面的优势和潜力具有政策参考价值。
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关键词:  海归  企业出口  产品质量  制度环境    
Abstract:  Whether returnees can promote enterprises' export? There hasn't quantitative identification of the above problems so far. Based on the firm-level micro data of China,this paper comprehensively and systematically investigates the effects of returnees on firms' export behavior. The results show that:Returnees have a positive effect on firms' export, and the above “export-driven” effect is continuous and increasing year by year. We further introduce regional governance environment index into our study, and find that good governance environment can not only improve firms' export directly but also strengthen the positive effect of government subsidy on firms' export. Lastly, the industrial level dynamic decomposition results show that, the industrial aggregate quality growth is mainly from the intensive margin, while the extensive margin is much smaller. All in all, this paper signifies the “export-driven” effect of returnees from a micro level, which can provide important policy reference for China to effectively tap the advantages and potential value of returnees in rising China's export competitiveness.
Key words:  Returnees    Export    Product Quality    Institutional Environment
JEL分类号:  J63   F10   C33  
基金资助: 本文感谢国家自然科学基金项目(71773055)、教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(16YJC790114)以及天津市人才发展特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才项目的资助
作者简介:  许家云,经济学博士,助理研究员,南开大学APEC研究中心、中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心,
许家云. 海归与企业出口行为:来自中国的微观证据[J]. 金融研究, 2018, 452(2): 118-134.
XU Jiayun. International Returnees and Firms' Export Behavior: Micro Evidence from China. Journal of Financial Research, 2018, 452(2): 118-134.
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