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金融研究  2018, Vol. 452 Issue (2): 100-117    
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王红建, 杨筝, 阮刚铭, 曹瑜强
南昌大学经济管理学院,江西南昌 330031;
武汉大学经济与管理学院,湖北武汉 430072;
上海财经大学会计学院,上海 200433;
暨南大学管理学院,广东广州 510632
Deregulation of Interest Rates, Excessive Debt and Debt Maturity Structure
WANG Hongjian, YANG Zheng, RUAN Gangming, CAO Yuqiang
Economics and Management School, Nanchang University;
Economics and Management School,Wuhan University;
Accounting School, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics;
Management School, Jinan University
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摘要 放松利率管制不仅消除了信贷市场摩擦,而且可以通过调整贷款利率水平以实现信贷风险与资金成本之间的匹配,从而对企业资本结构选择产生影响。本文以2000-2015年我国A股非金融类上市公司为研究样本,从企业杠杆选择和债务期限结构两个方面来实证检验放松利率管制如何影响企业资本结构。检验结果发现:放松利率管制不仅显著抑制企业过度负债,加快资本结构调整速度,而且延长企业债务期限。进一步检验还发现,放松利率管制显著抑制企业短贷长投行为,降低企业现金与现金流之间的敏感性。以上问题的研究不仅在理论上证实了放松利率管制影响企业杠杆选择以及资本错配的具体作用机理,而且在实践方面对于我们进一步推进利率市场化进程,完善市场在资源配置中的决定性作用具有重要的政策启示意义。
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关键词:  放松利率管制  过度负债  去杠杆  债务期限结构    
Abstract:  The interest rate marketization is conducive to eliminate the instability of credit market and lessen the constriction of corporate financing by matching interest rate and risk. By selecting a sample of Chinese non-financial listed company data from 2000 to 2015, this paper studied whether the interest rate marketization curbed the excessive liabilities or speed up the adjustment of capital structure. The results show that the interest rate marketization significantly inhibited the enterprise's excessive liabilities and accelerated the adjustment of capital structure. Based on the test grouped by nature of property right, this paper found the inhabitation of excessive liabilities and the acceleration of capital structure adjustment mainly in the sample of non-state-owned enterprises rather than that of state-owned enterprises. Based on the natural experiment of cancellation of upper and lower limits for loan interest rate by the People's Bank of China, the conclusion stands still under further control of endogenous factors. This provides important suggestions for policymakers of promoting the interest rate marketization and improving the critical role of market in resource allocation.
Key words:  Deregulation of Interest Rates    Excessive Debt    Leverage Choice    Debt Maturity Structure
JEL分类号:  F224   F275   F276  
基金资助: 本文感谢国家自然科学青年基金项目“政府官员变更与会计政策选择:理论分析与经验证据(批准号:71602069)”以及中国博士后科学基金第61批面上资助“利率市场化、财务政策与技术创新”(批准号:2017M610241)
通讯作者:  杨 筝,管理学博士生,武汉大学经济与管理学院,   
作者简介:  王红建,会计学博士,教授,南昌大学经济管理学院,Email:阮刚铭,会计学博士生,上海财经大学会计学院。曹瑜强,会计学博士生,暨南大学管理学院。
王红建, 杨筝, 阮刚铭, 曹瑜强. 放松利率管制、过度负债与债务期限结构[J]. 金融研究, 2018, 452(2): 100-117.
WANG Hongjian, YANG Zheng, RUAN Gangming, CAO Yuqiang. Deregulation of Interest Rates, Excessive Debt and Debt Maturity Structure. Journal of Financial Research, 2018, 452(2): 100-117.
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