A Study on China's Stock Market Manipulation's Effects on Market Liquidity:Based on Closing Price Manipulation Behavior's Identification and Monitoring
LI Zhihui, WANG Jin, LI Mengyu
School of Economics, Nankai University; School of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University
Based on the variation characteristics security price exhibits after closing price manipulation, this paper constructs the identification method of closing price manipulation behaviors-End of Day Price Dislocation Model, and realizes suspected closing price manipulation behaviors' monitoring by high frequency trading data in China's stock market. Furthermore, this paper analyzes how closing price manipulation affects market liquidity empirically by panel data regressions, the result indicates that closing price manipulation will lead to security's transaction costs improved and market liquidity decreased, which is even more significant when markets are in vibrating and falling stages; Meanwhile, investors' quoting strategies tending to be less aggressive is the crucial factor by which closing price manipulation has effects on market liquidity, and the reason why investors adjust quoting strategies maybe non-execution risks decline due to stock prices' higher volatility.
李志辉, 王近, 李梦雨. 中国股票市场操纵对市场流动性的影响研究——基于收盘价操纵行为的识别与监测[J]. 金融研究, 2018, 452(2): 135-152.
LI Zhihui, WANG Jin, LI Mengyu. A Study on China's Stock Market Manipulation's Effects on Market Liquidity:Based on Closing Price Manipulation Behavior's Identification and Monitoring. Journal of Financial Research, 2018, 452(2): 135-152.
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