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金融研究  2016, Vol. 429 Issue (3): 157-173    
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徐巍, 陈冬华
南京大学商学院,江苏南京 210093
Information Effect of “We Media” Disclosure: Evidence from Sina Weibo
XU Wei, CHEN Donghua
Business School, Nanjing University
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摘要 借助网页搜索和文本分析技术,本文在微观市场结构层面实证检验了上市公司官方微博的信息作用及其特点。实证结果表明,微博披露会带来当日公司股票的超额回报和超额交易量显著增加,其程度不仅受到披露强度、披露信息密度的影响,也受到微博中噪音信息的干扰。此外,当微博对已公告信息进行传播时,相对于没有微博传播的公告会有更强的市场反应。进一步,微博披露对受关注较少的公司影响更大,对个人投资者的交易行为影响更为显著。这些结果说明微博披露具有信息作用,同时也揭示了微博披露混杂性、平等性、低成本等特点。
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关键词:  微博  披露  信息含量  信息不对称    
Abstract:  Using Internet search and computer text analysis techniques, we empirically investigate the informativeness of Sina Weibo. The results are as follows: (1) Capital market reacts significantly to the Weibo disclosure, indicating its informativeness. (2) The noise in weibo will reduce the capital market’s reaction which caused by weibo disclosure. (3) Weibo disclosure has more effect on the behavior of small investors, and small/new list firms. The results indicate comprehensively that Weibo, as an emerging “We Media”, the disclosure through which is informative, which may lays an empirical foundation for further relative researches.
Key words:  Weibo    Disclosure    Information Effect    Information Asymmetry
JEL分类号:  G14   G12  
基金资助: 作者感谢国家自然科学基金的资助(71372032)
通讯作者:  陈冬华,博士,教授,南京大学商学院,   
作者简介:  徐 巍,博士研究生,南京大学商学院,
徐巍, 陈冬华. 自媒体披露的信息作用——来自新浪微博的实证证据[J]. 金融研究, 2016, 429(3): 157-173.
XU Wei, CHEN Donghua. Information Effect of “We Media” Disclosure: Evidence from Sina Weibo. Journal of Financial Research, 2016, 429(3): 157-173.
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