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金融研究  2016, Vol. 429 Issue (3): 174-188    
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谭松涛, 阚铄, 崔小勇
中国人民大学中国财政金融政策研究中心, 北京 100872;
北京大学经济学院, 北京 100871
Can Investors’ Online Communication with Listed Firms Improve the Information Efficiency of the Stock Market?
TAN Songtao, KAN Shuo, CUI Xiaoyong
China Financial Policy Research Center, Renmin University of China;
School of Economics, Peking University
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摘要 本文利用2010年深圳证券交易所“互动易”网络交流平台的推出作为外生冲击,用上交所上市公司作为对照组,借助双重差分的方法考察了基于互联网的管理层接触方式对股票市场信息效率的影响。通过研究发现,“互动易”平台设立后,深交所上市公司股价非同步性的提升幅度以及分析师盈余预测绝对偏差的降低幅度都比上交所大。而平台设立前后,分析师对两个市场上市公司盈余预测相对偏差的降低幅度并没有显著差异。以上实证结果表明,基于互联网的管理层接触为投资者增加了一个新的直接从上市公司管理层获取公司经营信息的渠道,进而改善了投资者获取信息的准确性,提升了市场信息效率水平。
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关键词:  管理层接触  市场信息效率  “互动易”平台    
Abstract:  Using the operation of “Hudongyi” online communication system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange as an exogenous impact in the year of 2010, this paper investigates whether investors’ online communication with listed firms improves the information efficiency of the stock market. We find that both the stock return synchronicity and the analysts’ forecast error have decreased significantly for the firms listed in Shenzhen stock market since the operation of “Hudongyi” system. In addition, we find that the synchronicity and the analysts’ forecast error decrease much more for firms listed in Shenzhen stock market than those in Shanghai stock market after the year of 2010. These findings show that the online communication between investors and listed firms improves the information accuracy and hence enhances the information efficiency of the stock market.
Key words:  Management Access    Information Efficiency    “Hudongyi” Online Communication System
JEL分类号:  G11   G19  
基金资助: 本文为中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)项目成果(项目批准号:10XNJ060)
作者简介:  谭松涛,经济学博士,副教授,中国人民大学中国财政金融政策研究中心,阚 铄,经济学博士生,中国人民大学财政金融学院。崔小勇,经济学博士,副教授,北京大学经济学院,
谭松涛, 阚铄, 崔小勇. 互联网沟通能够改善市场信息效率吗?——基于深交所“互动易”网络平台的研究[J]. 金融研究, 2016, 429(3): 174-188.
TAN Songtao, KAN Shuo, CUI Xiaoyong. Can Investors’ Online Communication with Listed Firms Improve the Information Efficiency of the Stock Market?. Journal of Financial Research, 2016, 429(3): 174-188.
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