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金融研究  2016, Vol. 429 Issue (3): 42-58    
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郭桂霞, 彭艳
对外经济贸易大学国际经济研究院,北京 100029
An Analysis on the Threshold Effect of Capital Account Openness in China
GUO Guixia, PENG Yan
Institute of International Economy, University of International Business and Economics
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摘要 本文使用多门槛面板回归模型,从国家和省际两个层面分析了资本账户开放的经济增长效应。研究发现:首先,资本账户开放对经济增长确实存在门槛效应,我国处在能够获得资本账户开放红利的区间。其次,资本账户开放的经济促进作用与对外开放程度之间呈现非单调的关系。最后,我国不同地区的资本账户开放的经济增长效应存在显著差异。为了更好地享受资本账户开放红利,我国应进一步提高整体对外开放水平,对各地区来讲,有的应进一步提高人均收入水平,有的应通过产业结构调整以降低外贸依存度。
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关键词:  资本账户开放  经济增长  门槛效应    
Abstract:  With the multiple threshold panel data model, this paper investigates the economic growth effect of capital account openness from both country level and provincial level empirical studies. Three sets of findings are obtained. Firstly, there is indeed a threshold effect of capital account openness on economic growth in China, and the effect for China is positive. Secondly, there is a non-monotonic relationship between the economic enhancing effect of capital account openness and trade dependency. Finally, this effect has significant provincial differences. To better utilize the benefit of capital account openness, China as a whole should further increase the level of opening up, but for individual provinces, some should take measures to further increase the national income, but others should reduce trade dependency by upgrading the industrial structures.
Key words:  Capital Account Openness    Economic Growth    Threshold Effect
JEL分类号:  F32   F43  
基金资助: 本文感谢国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(71203026)、对外经济贸易大学学科建设专项经费资助项目(XK2014121)、优秀青年学者培育计划(2013YQ10)、创新团队(CXTD7-05)和协同创新项目(201502YY002B)以及中国人民大学重大规划项目(15XNLG05)的资助
作者简介:  郭桂霞,对外经济贸易大学国际经济研究院,副研究员,Email: 彭 艳,对外经济贸易大学国际经济研究院,硕士研究生,Email:
郭桂霞, 彭艳. 我国资本账户开放的门槛效应研究[J]. 金融研究, 2016, 429(3): 42-58.
GUO Guixia, PENG Yan. An Analysis on the Threshold Effect of Capital Account Openness in China. Journal of Financial Research, 2016, 429(3): 42-58.
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