Economic theory suggests that income inequality predicts housing price and access to housing for low-income families. Using Chinese urban household survey data, this paper empirically examine impacts of income inequality on access to housing for urban low-income families. Empirical results show that, higher income inequality within cities is significantly associated with higher housing cost, smaller per capita living space, and lower housing quality. After controlling own income effect, income inequality is still significantly associated with access to housing among low-income families. Further studies show that the negative impact of income inequality could be moderated by product differentiation in housing market.
张川川. 收入不平等和城市低收入家庭的住房可及性[J]. 金融研究, 2016, 427(1): 99-115.
ZHANG Chuanchuan. Income Inequality and Access to Housing among Urban Low-income Families in China. Journal of Financial Research, 2016, 427(1): 99-115.
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