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金融研究  2023, Vol. 517 Issue (7): 134-153    
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智慧城市建设促进了节能减排吗? ——基于长三角城市群141个区县的经验分析
东华大学旭日工商管理学院, 上海 200051
Does Smart City Construction Promote Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction? An Empirical Analysis Based on 141 Districts in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration
Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University
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摘要 本文基于2012年智慧城市试点这一准自然实验,采用2007—2019年长三角城市群141个区县的面板数据,运用空间面板杜宾双重差分模型考察了智慧城市建设对能源消费和环境污染的影响及其影响机制。研究发现:(1)智慧城市建设显著促进了节能减排。(2)智慧城市建设的节能减排效应来源于技术创新、产业结构升级、消费方式革新、智慧交通转型四种潜在渠道,但四种潜在机制的贡献存在差异。(3)邻近地区的智慧城市建设对本地的节能减排具有积极影响,但这种积极影响随空间距离的增加而呈现递减特征。(4)邻近地区和本地智慧城市建设的节能减排效应均随时间不断增大,且智慧城市建设的节能边际效应大于其减排边际效应。(5)智慧城市试点政策在高信息基础设施和高人力资本地区所产生的节能减排效果更加明显。
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关键词:  智慧城市  节能减排  空间DID  空间相关    
Summary:  This paper is based on a quasi-natural experiment of the smart city pilot in 2012 and uses panel data from 141 districts and counties in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration from 2007 to 2019. It adopts a spatial panel Dubin difference-in-differences model to examine the impact of smart city construction on energy consumption and environmental pollution, and verifies the mechanism whereby smart city construction impacts energy conservation and emission reduction. The empirical results are as follows. (1) Smart city construction significantly promotes energy conservation and emission reduction; the energy conservation effect is greater than the emission reduction effect; and energy consumption plays an important role in the emission reduction effect of smart city construction. (2) The energy conservation and emission reduction effects of a smart city have four underlying mechanisms: technological innovation, industrial structure upgrading, consumption-mode innovation, and smart transportation transformation. However, these four potential mechanisms have different levels of contributions. (3) Smart city construction has a positive impact on local energy conservation and emission reduction, but the magnitude of this impact diminishes with increasing spatial distance. (4) The energy conservation and emission reduction effects of smart city construction on neighboring areas increase over time, and the marginal effect of energy conservation is significantly greater than the marginal effect of emission reduction on neighboring areas. (5) Smart city pilot policies have greater energy conservation and emission reduction effects in areas with strong information infrastructure and high levels of human capital than in areas with weak information infrastructure and low levels of human capital.
The key contributions of this paper are as follows. (1) Smart city, energy consumption, and environmental pollution are incorporated into a single analytical framework, and the important role of energy consumption in the emission reduction effect of smart city construction is examined. (2) The spatial spillover effect of smart city construction on energy conservation and emission reduction is considered, as are the marginal effects and spatial boundaries of smart city pilot policies. This yields empirical evidence to support the spatial management of smart city construction. (3) The channels whereby smart city construction impact energy conservation and emission reduction are analyzed and verified. Clarifying the relevant impact mechanism is an important basis for further improving the smart city pilot policy. (4) The heterogeneous effects of information technology infrastructure and human capital levels on the energy conservation and emission reduction effects of smart city construction are investigated to provide empirical evidence to support the implementation of differentiated policies. (5) Empirical data at the district and county levels are used, thereby filling a major gap in the literature that results from the use of data of prefecture-level cities and provinces without examining intra-regional heterogeneity.
The findings of this study have important policy implications. First, the findings show that the scope of smart city pilot projects should continue to be expanded, and a mechanism for synergy and cross-regional collaboration between smart city construction and energy and environmental governance should be formed. Priority should be given to the neighboring cities of pilot cities to promote the pilots from near to far. In the process of smart city construction, it is necessary to strengthen the constraints of energy conservation and emission reduction targets, coordinate the smart network space of urban agglomerations, formulate medium-and long-term smart city development plans for urban agglomerations, and strengthen the synergy between smart city planning and energy and environmental planning.
Second, a channel should be opened to allow smart cities to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, and to promote the connection between smart city construction pilot policies and regional innovation policies, industrial policies, consumption policies, and transportation policies. Smart technologies should be integrated into the entire process of energy and environmental governance to promote the green upgrading of regional industrial structure, guide and expand green digital consumption, and facilitate the transformation of regional consumption. Moreover, intelligent transportation technology should be actively developed, and digital and intelligent support for traffic management should be strengthened.
Third, differentiated smart-city construction strategies should be implemented, and the role of information infrastructure and human capital in smart city construction should be strengthened. In addition, investment in urban information infrastructure and education should be increased, with a focus on selecting cities with a good information and human capital base to carry out smart city pilot projects. Moreover, digital information industrialization should be comprehensively catalyzed, and energy and ecological support for informatization and digital transformation should be improved.
Keywords:  Smart City    Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction    Spatial DID    Spatial Correlation
JEL分类号:  O18   Q48   Q56  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家社科基金一般项目(21BJL128)的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
作者简介:  张 可,经济学博士,教授,东华大学旭日工商管理学院,
张可. 智慧城市建设促进了节能减排吗? ——基于长三角城市群141个区县的经验分析[J]. 金融研究, 2023, 517(7): 134-153.
ZHANG Ke. Does Smart City Construction Promote Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction? An Empirical Analysis Based on 141 Districts in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration. Journal of Financial Research, 2023, 517(7): 134-153.
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