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金融研究  2017, Vol. 441 Issue (3): 86-100    DOI: 10.12094/1002-7246(2017)03-0086-15
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赵颖, 石智雷
中南财经政法大学财税学院, 湖北武汉 430073
中南财经政法大学公管学院, 湖北武汉 430073
Urban Agglomeration, Hukou System and Education Opportunity
ZHAO Ying, SHI Zhilei
School of Public Finance and Taxation,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
School of Public Administration,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
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摘要 城镇集聚和户籍制度共同决定了教育机会的多寡和群体分配特征。中国式城镇集聚在一定程度上提高了流动人口的收入水平,但限制了他们随迁子女受教育的机会,而这种影响程度尚未得到充分评估。本文使用国家卫生计生委2012年的全国流动人口动态监测数据、1964~2010年五次人口普查数据和地级市的宏观匹配数据,在户籍制度的背景下分析城镇集聚如何影响流动劳动者子女的受教育机会。总体而言,城镇集聚对流动劳动者子女入学概率造成的负面影响在1.25% ~ 1.84%之间,进入公立学校的概率则受到6.63%~20.99%的负面影响。即便如此,随迁多子女家庭中子女受教育的机会较均等,并不存在数量和质量间的替代关系。流动劳动者所具有的非正式制度条件难以弱化其所面临的正式制度约束,城市发展战略的定位和城市内优质资源的向下歧视都放大了这种负面影响,但流动劳动者间潜在的同群效应会在一定程度上提升子女入学的概率。低技能流动劳动者与高技能劳动者通过人力资本的互补性推动了城市发展,包容式的城市发则需要尊重流动劳动者子女的受教育权利,从而在收入和教育两个层面上促进人的城镇化、进而跨越中等收入陷阱。
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关键词:  城镇集聚  户籍制度  流动劳动者  随迁子女  教育机会    
Abstract:  The amount and group characteristics of education opportunity are determined by urban agglomeration along with hukou system. The urbanization with Chinese characteristics boost the income of migrant workers while limit the education opportunity of their migrant children, which impacts have not been closely evaluated. This paper utilized the combined data from Dynamic Monitor on Migrant Workers in 2012, population census from 1964 to 2010 and prefectural level, which provided us the chance to examine the impacts concerning the urban agglomeration on education opportunity on migrant children. The impact of the former has 1.25% ~ 1.84% negative impact on the latter, and the opportunity to enter the public funded school is lower by 6.63% ~ 20.99%. Given the limited education opportunity, the right to be educated is not much affected by the number of children in a family. Informal resources owned by the migrant workers can not weaken the formal restrictions, while enlarged by the strategical positioning and downward discriminating of the city. The peer effects of the migrant workers, on the other hand, is beneficial to the growing opportunity of their children. The prosperity of urban stems from complementarity of high and low skilled workers, which urges to respect and give the equal education opportunity of migrant children. These measures are the key to keep sustained prosperity of urban and overcome the middle income trap.
Key words:  Urban Agglomeration    Hukou System    Migrant Workers    Migrant Children    Education Opportunity
JEL分类号:  H52   O18   P25  
基金资助: 国家自科基金项目(71540031)、教育部青年基金(16YJC790148)和博士后科学基金(2016M590069)
作者简介:  赵颖,经济学博士,讲师,中南财经政法大学财税学院,石智雷,经济学博士,教授,中南财经政法大学公管学院,
赵颖, 石智雷. 城镇集聚、户籍制度与教育机会[J]. 金融研究, 2017, 441(3): 86-100.
ZHAO Ying, SHI Zhilei. Urban Agglomeration, Hukou System and Education Opportunity. Journal of Financial Research, 2017, 441(3): 86-100.
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