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金融研究  2023, Vol. 515 Issue (5): 134-151    
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戴翔, 马皓巍, 张二震
南京审计大学经济学院,江苏 南京 211815;
南京大学长江三角洲经济发展研究中心,江苏 南京 210093
Can Digital Transformation Definitely Improve Firms' Markups?
DAI Xiang, MA Haowei, ZHANG Erzhen
School of Economics, Nanjing Audit University;
Yangtze River Delta Economics and Social Development Research Center, Nanjing University
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摘要 本文将数字化转型纳入企业异质性模型之中,通过一般均衡分析与实证检验发现: ①数字化转型在低于特定门槛值时,能够显著提高企业加成率,但超过该特定门槛值时则会产生负向影响,即数字化转型与企业加成率之间存在“倒U形”的非线性关系; ②异质性分析表明,数字化转型对国有企业、出口企业以及资本和技术密集型企业加成率的提升和作用空间更大; ③数字化转型通过企业创新能力与生产效率两个关键微观机制,对企业加成率产生影响。因此,在把握数字技术带来的战略机遇,加快推动企业数字转型的同时,还要做好重点领域的选择和安排,以及避免可能出现的“过犹不及”问题。
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关键词:  数字化转型  企业加成率  倒U形    
Summary:  Since the beginning of the 21st century, the scale of the digital economy has been increasing, and digital technology with information networks as the core has gradually become an important force to promote economic development worldwide and has profoundly changed the economic activities of different subjects. However, “big volume” does not mean “strong bones.” At the enterprise level, whether the digital transformation of enterprises yields high-quality development characterized mainly by benefits requires further discussion and analysis.
In this paper, digital transformation is included in the heterogeneity model of enterprises. Based on a general equilibrium analysis, we find that under the effect of diminishing marginal productivity, digital transformation does not always have a positive impact on firms' markups, but has an inverted U-shaped nonlinear influence, which first promotes and then inhibits markups. Firm innovation and firm productivity are the key micro-mechanisms for the above effects to play a role. Based on the analysis of typical facts and empirical data of listed companies, the measurement test yields the following results. First, digital transformation can significantly improve firms' markups when it is below a specific threshold value, but it will have a negative impact when it exceeds this value; that is, there is an inverted U-shaped nonlinear relationship between digital transformation and firms' markups. Second, the heterogeneity analysis shows that digital transformation has a greater effect on the markups of state-owned enterprises, export enterprises, and technology-intensive enterprises than on the markups of other firms. Third, digital transformation has an impact on firms' markups through two key micro-mechanisms: enterprise innovation ability and production efficiency.
The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in the following aspects. First, from a research perspective, this paper discusses the possible impact of the digital transformation of Chinese enterprises on the quality, benefits, and competitiveness of enterprise development, within the context of the digital economy and the specific perspective of firms' markups. Second, in terms of the mechanism of action, digital transformation is included in the heterogeneity model of enterprises. Based on the general equilibrium analysis, this paper proposes an inverted U-shaped micro-mechanism of influence of digital transformation on firms' markups, which first promotes and then inhibits markups. Finally, in terms of research methods, based on the non-dynamic threshold model, this paper estimates the impact of digital transformation on firms' markups and, compared with other approaches, better deals with the endogeneity problem and corporate information disclosure bias, which enhances the credibility of the conclusions. In addition, the multi-dimensional heterogeneity test is conducive to deepening understanding of the impact of digital transformation on firms' markups.
The findings of this paper not only help deepen our understanding and objectively evaluate the impact of digital transformation on firms' markups but also have important policy implications for ways to further improve the quality and efficiency of enterprise development and enhance their market competitiveness through digital empowerment. We make the following recommendations on this basis. First, we must accelerate the digital transformation of enterprises by strengthening the digital thinking ability of enterprises, improving digital application and management ability, and comprehensively and systematically promote enterprise cooperation and digital transformation in the whole value chain, including R&D, design, production and processing, operation and management, sales and services. Second, we must pay attention to grasp the enterprise digital transformation degree. In other words, to grasp the important strategic opportunities brought by digital technology and promote the digital transformation of enterprises, we must pay attention to the “overkill” formed by the law of diminishing marginal productivity. The digital transformation of enterprises in China remains in the initial stages, far from the threshold values or critical points, leaving huge scope for digital transformation to develop. Third, we should optimize the external environment of enterprise digital transformation. Starting from the basic principle of multi-factor cooperation, continuous optimization of external conditions is also an important way to continuously raise the threshold value for possible negative effects of enterprise digital transformation, to lay a necessary foundation for further improving the degree of and space for enterprise digital transformation. Fourth, it is essential to make arrangements for key areas of enterprise digital transformation. The research in this paper shows that there remain important differences between types of enterprises in terms of the quality benefits and competitiveness represented by their markups. These differences may mean that in the future, to grasp the strategic opportunities brought by the progress of digital technology and accelerate the process of promoting the digital transformation of enterprises, it will be necessary to effectively select key areas, departments, and types of enterprises.
Keywords:  Digital Transformation    Firm Markups    Inverted U Shape
JEL分类号:  D81   D83   O30  
基金资助: * 本文感谢江苏省科研与实践创新计划项目“数字化转型如何促进中国出口增长——基于动能转换视角”(KYCX22_2076)、党的二十大精神专题研究项目“江苏自贸试验区提升战略的内涵、目标及重点任务研究”(SJZT202315)的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
作者简介:  戴 翔,经济学博士,教授,南京审计大学经济学院,
戴翔, 马皓巍, 张二震. 数字化转型一定能提升企业加成率吗?[J]. 金融研究, 2023, 515(5): 134-151.
DAI Xiang, MA Haowei, ZHANG Erzhen. Can Digital Transformation Definitely Improve Firms' Markups?. Journal of Financial Research, 2023, 515(5): 134-151.
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