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金融研究  2019, Vol. 468 Issue (6): 132-149    
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南京师范大学商学院,江苏南京 210023;
东南大学经济管理学院,江苏南京 211189
Does High-speed Rail Improve Regional Innovation in China?
BIAN Yuanchao,WU Lihua,BAI Junhong
School of Business, Nanjing Normal University;
School of Economics and Management, Southeast University
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摘要 文章通过理论分析,探讨了高铁开通影响区域创新活动以及区域创新差距的内在机制,进而以是否开通高铁为“准自然实验”,采用2004年-2015年中国287个地级市的数据,实证分析了高铁开通对区域创新及其差距的影响效应。研究发现,考察期内,高铁开通显著提升了区域创新水平,其机制主要在于高铁开通后所引发的创新要素流动效应;高铁开通能够对区域创新差距产生重要影响:即相对于未开通高铁的城市来说,开通高铁城市的创新能力和创新速度持续提升,这能够进一步拉大区域之间的创新差距;且高铁开通在促进区域创新过程中也存在着显著的时间动态效应。分地区估计结果显示,高铁开通能够促进东部地区城市创新活动的开展,也拉大了其内在的创新差距;而由于高铁开通所引发的人才流失,高铁开通对中部和西部地区创新活动及其差距的影响效应不显著。文章研究结论可能为优化中国区域创新格局、促进创新型国家建设提供启示。
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关键词:  高铁  区域创新  创新差距  双重差分模型    
Summary:  Summary: In recent years, the rapid development of the high-speed railway (HSR) among different regions in China has accelerated the flow of innovation factors such as high-quality labor, knowledge, technology, information, and experience. This not only promotes a spillover of knowledge and information, but also has an important impact on regional innovation. Based on a review of the literature, this paper uses the flow of innovation factors under the framework of the New Economic Geography to explore the impact of the HSR on the regional innovation and its spatial disparity. We take HSR availability data for 287 cities from 2004 to 2015 as a quasi-natural experimental sample to analyze the empirical effect of the HSR on regional innovation performance.
   According to the results, the opening of the HSR significantly improved regional innovation performance during the study period by promoting the flow of innovation factors such as high-quality labor. The HSR also had an important impact on the spatial disparity of regional innovation, as innovation performance was higher for cities with HSR than for those without. This means that extending the HSR could further widen the innovation disparity between cities. Both effects also show significant time-dynamic characteristics. Estimation results for different areas show that the opening of HSR can promote innovation performance and widen spatial disparities in the eastern area, yet has no significant impact on innovation performance and its spatial disparity in the central and western areas due to the brain drain caused by the opening of the HSR.
   The policy implications of the above conclusions are as follows. Firstly, local governments should constantly promote HSR construction according to the practical demand for economic and social development, and improve the deep integration of HSR construction and regional development to maximize the HSR's role in promoting regional innovation activity. Secondly, to encourage the full flow of high-quality innovation factors among different regions, each area should build a sounder knowledge spillover system and eliminate institutional barriers. Thirdly, cities that remain without HSR should constantly improve their overall competitiveness through economic and social development to attract HSR investment. Such cities also need to improve their interconnection with cities that have HSR, and to integrate seamlessly through various channels to allow them to participate in the HSR “innovation circle.”
   This study makes several contributions. Firstly, it is one of the earliest studies to empirically examine the impact of HSR on regional innovation activity in China. It uses the difference-in-differences model and a quasi-natural experiment to research the HSR's economic effects. This study also examines the mechanism through which the HSR impacts on regional innovation performance from the perspective of the flow of innovation factors based on the NEG theory framework. Finally, it explores whether the opening of HSR has widened or narrowed the spatial disparity in regional innovation, inspiring a more comprehensive analysis of the impact of HSR on regional innovation and the optimization of China's regional innovation spatial pattern.
   Although the opening of HSR mainly accelerates the flow of high-quality labor, the increased flow of technology, information, and capital among different areas as a result of HSR construction also influence regional innovation activity. It would also be interesting to explore the direction (in- or outflow) of innovation factors after the opening of HSR and its impact on regional innovation performance and its spatial disparity if the relevant data are available.
Keywords:  High-speed Rail    Regional Innovation    Innovation Disparity    DID
JEL分类号:  O18   O31   R41  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家社会科学基金重点项目(17AGL005)、国家自然科学基金面上项目(71573138、71874084)的资助。
作者简介:  卞元超,经济学博士,讲师,南京师范大学商学院,
卞元超, 吴利华, 白俊红. 高铁开通是否促进了区域创新?[J]. 金融研究, 2019, 468(6): 132-149.
BIAN Yuanchao, WU Lihua, BAI Junhong. Does High-speed Rail Improve Regional Innovation in China?. Journal of Financial Research, 2019, 468(6): 132-149.
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