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金融研究  2015, Vol. 422 Issue (8): 95-108    
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肖强, 司颖华
兰州财经大学甘肃经济发展数量分析研究中心,甘肃兰州 730020
China’s FCI Construction and Its Asymmetric Impact on Macroeconomic Variables
XIAO Qiang, SI Yinghua
Institute of Quantitative Economics at Gansu,Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics
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摘要 本文首先选取我国多个金融变量,利用动态因子模型提取其共同因子,并对这些因子基于总需求方程缩减式构建了我国金融状况指数(FCI)。接着,基于互谱分析,从频域角度测度了FCI与产出和价格的关联性。最后,以FCI作为转移变量,建立了包含FCI、产出和价格的因子扩展的logistic平滑转移向量自回归(FALSTVAR)模型,基于不同金融状况视角,分析了金融状况指数代表的金融市场对产出和价格影响的非对称性。实证结果表明:第一,金融状况指数不仅与宏观经济具有相同的主周期,而且领先于产出和价格的变动;第二,在金融市场运行良好情形下,金融市场发展能有效地促进实体经济的增长,而在金融市场状况恶化情形下,金融市场会严重阻碍实体经济的增长。
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关键词:  FCI  宏观经济变量  动态因子模型  FALSTVAR    
Abstract:  Based on more extensive financial variables selected from Chinese macro economy, this paper employs dynamic factor model to extract their common factors which are used to construct China’s financial conditions index (FCI) with the support of the reduced aggregate demand equation. Then, using Cross-spectrum Analysis, the correlation between China’s FCI and output and price are tested from the prospective of frequency domain and time domain, respectively. After that, FCI is taken as transfer variable to build the factor-extended logistic smooth transfer vector auto-regression (FALSTVAR) in which FCI, output and price are contained, and then using FALSTVAR model, this paper analyzes whether financial market reflected by the FCI has an asymmetric impact on the output and the price in different financial conditions. The empirical results show that: first, FCI not only shares the same main cycle with macro economy, but changes ahead of output and price; second, When in a good financial condition, financial markets have a significantly positive contribution to the output, while in a deteriorating financial condition, financial markets have an apparently negative or harmful effect on output, so as to hinder the growth of the real economy.
Key words:  FCI    Macroeconomic variables    Dynamic factor model    FALSTVAR
JEL分类号:  E44   E31  
基金资助: *本文感谢教育部人文社科青年基金项目《中国金融状况指数的构建及其应用研究——基于FASTVAR模型》(14YJC790138)和兰州财经大学科研项目《我国金融状况指数的构建及其对货币政策冲击效应的影响分析》(LZ201306)资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见。文责自负。
作者简介:  肖 强,经济学博士,副教授,兰州财经大学甘肃经济发展数量分析研究中心, 司颖华,博士研究生,讲师,兰州财经大学甘肃经济发展数量分析研究中心。
肖强, 司颖华. 我国FCI的构建及对宏观经济变量影响的非对称性[J]. 金融研究, 2015, 422(8): 95-108.
XIAO Qiang, SI Yinghua. China’s FCI Construction and Its Asymmetric Impact on Macroeconomic Variables. Journal of Financial Research, 2015, 422(8): 95-108.
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