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金融研究  2021, Vol. 492 Issue (6): 133-151    
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郑路, 徐旻霞
清华大学社会科学学院,北京 100084
Do Traditional Family Values Restrain Participation in Commercial Pension Plans Among the Urban Population? A Study Based on the Perspectives of Financial Trust and Financial Literacy
ZHENG Lu, XU Minxia
School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University
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摘要 随着我国人口老龄化的加速和金融产品的不断创新,以商业养老保险为代表的个人养老金逐步成长为我国养老金体系的第三大支柱,为解决养老问题提供了重要渠道。但现阶段我国城镇居民的商业养老保险参与度不足,养老金融市场发展缓慢。区别于既有研究的经济理性视角,本研究从影响金融发展的文化观念视角为这一“有限参与”现象提供新的理论解析。利用CHFS 2015数据进行实证分析,本文发现“养儿防老”等传统家庭文化观念会抑制我国城镇居民的商业养老保险参与,这一影响在控制了内生性后依然显著;进一步研究发现,传统家庭观念(养儿防老等)会削弱居民的金融信任,减少居民对金融信息的关注,不利于居民金融素养的提升,进而降低其商业养老保险参与度;异质性分析表明,传统家庭观念(养儿防老等)对商业养老保险参与的负向影响在中西部地区和受教育水平偏低的群体中更加突出。本研究揭示了影响居民商业养老保险参与和我国养老金融市场发展的深层文化因素,对推进我国多支柱养老保险体系的建设也具有政策启示意义。
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关键词:  商业养老保险  传统家庭观念  金融信任  金融素养    
Summary:  In China, accelerating population aging is increasing the national eldercare burden. To address this problem, China has implemented a proactive national strategy that includes a multi-pillar pension system. In addition to the state-run first pillar and employment-based second pillar, the third pillar comprises personal retirement products. However, the rate of participation in commercial pension plans is far lower in China than in developed economies. The studies on this limited participation phenomenon focus on various factors, such as institutional setups and policies, financial market development and individual and household characteristics. However, these studies are based on the “economic man”assumption while largely ignoring crucial cultural factors.
Culture has important effects on individual financial behaviors. It not only affects the formal and informal institutional arrangements in which personal financial activities are embedded but also influences individuals' preferences for risk, liquidity and consumption. All of which shape individuals' financial decision-making. Chinese traditional values are centered on family and strongly emphasize raising children for old age and filial piety, which profoundly influence individual participation in commercial pension plans. Individual trust in financial institutions and individual financial literacy are other important cultural factors that affect the likelihood of participation in commercial pension plans.
Drawing on the CHFS2015 dataset, this study examines how traditional Chinese family values shape financial trust and financial literacy, which in turn influence individual participation in commercial pension plans. The CHFS, a biennial national survey, was first conducted in 2011. It covers a large sample of households from 29 of the 34 Chinese provinces and records detailed information on many variables, such as household income, consumption, financial assets, housing, debt and demographic characteristics. This study's sample consists of 15,659 urban residents who participated in the CHFS2015 and provided complete information on the variables of interest.
Methodologically, we first construct an index of traditional family values using factor analysis. We then use ordinary least squares and logistic regressions to examine the effects of traditional family values, financial literacy and financial trust on participation in commercial pension plans. The Sobel, KHB and bootstrap tests are used to verify the mediating effects of financial trust and financial literacy on the relationship between traditional family values and participation in commercial pension plans. Instrumental variable estimation is also used to address endogeneity concerns. Additionally, we assess robustness by changing the samples and the measurements of the variables. Finally, we examine the effects on subgroups divided by region, educational level and occupation.
The empirical results show that traditional family values inhibit Chinese urban residents from purchasing commercial pensions. The finding remains valid after accounting for endogeneity. Further analysis indicates that financial trust and financial literacy mediate the relationship between traditional family values and participation in commercial pension plans. Specifically, traditional family values reduce individual trust in financial institutions and divert attention from financial information, thus inhibiting participation in commercial pension plans. Meanwhile, traditional family values are also associated with a lower level of financial literacy, which tends to decrease the likelihood of purchasing a commercial pension. Our analysis also reveals that the negative effects of traditional family values are more prominent in underdeveloped regions and among less educated people. In contrast to the rational economic perspective, this study offers a cultural perspective and thus sheds new light on individuals' financial behaviors and financial market development. It not only enriches our understanding of these topics but also has important practical implications. First, Chinese elderly people, who are deeply influenced by traditional family values, prefer to rely on their children and families and thus require innovative family-based elderly care policies and solutions to meet their needs. Second, China should provide more information channels to improve individual financial literacy and financial market regulation and boost public trust in financial institutions. Last but not least, people living in inland provinces and those without a college education would be better served by a more inclusive financial system.
In conclusion, China's elderly care pension market has great potential. All market participants should take the available opportunities and meet its challenges to develop the market in an equitable, balanced and high-quality manner.
Keywords:  Commercial Pension Plan    Traditional Family Values    Financial Trust    Financial Literacy
JEL分类号:  G11   O16   D14  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家社科基金重大项目(21ZDA111,18VXK005)和清华大学社会科学学院社会与金融研究中心的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  徐旻霞,社会学博士研究生,清华大学社会科学学院,   
作者简介:  郑 路,社会学博士,长聘副教授,清华大学社会科学学院,E-mail:l-zheng@mail.
郑路, 徐旻霞. 传统家庭观念抑制了城镇居民商业养老保险参与吗?———基于金融信任与金融素养视角的实证分析[J]. 金融研究, 2021, 492(6): 133-151.
ZHENG Lu, XU Minxia. Do Traditional Family Values Restrain Participation in Commercial Pension Plans Among the Urban Population? A Study Based on the Perspectives of Financial Trust and Financial Literacy. Journal of Financial Research, 2021, 492(6): 133-151.
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