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金融研究  2021, Vol. 489 Issue (3): 95-113    
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马新啸, 汤泰劼, 蔡贵龙
中山大学管理学院,广东广州 510275;
北京大学光华管理学院,北京 100871
Governance of Non-state Shareholders and De-zombification of SOEs: Evidence from the “Mixed” Board of Directors of listed SOEs in China
MA Xinxiao, TANG Taijie, CAI Guilong
Sun Yat-sen Business School, SunYat-sen University;
Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
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摘要 国有企业是党和国家事业发展的重要基础,如何有效解决部分国企的僵尸化现象是做强做优做大国有企业和实现经济社会高质量发展的关键环节,本文研究新时代全面深化国企混改背景下非国有股东治理对国有企业去僵尸化的影响作用。研究发现:非国有股东参与国企高层治理可以显著降低冗员规模和提升资本密集度,进而降低国有企业的僵尸化倾向,而仅持股等股权结构维度的治理影响较弱;当非国有股东参与国企治理的能力更强时,可以更好地发挥前述治理作用。通过细分僵尸企业识别指标,本文发现非国有股东治理可以在抑制低息贷款获取和改善盈利能力两方面降低相应国企的僵尸化程度,促使其正常经营运转。最后,经过良好治理的国有企业生产能力和市场价值得到显著提升。本文结论表明,非国有股东治理对国有企业去僵尸化和发展壮大具有积极的促进作用,这不仅对僵尸企业治理和国企改革的学术文献进行了有益补充,还为在全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程中更好地统筹国有企业中流砥柱作用提供了政策参考价值。
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关键词:  国有企业  混合所有制改革  非国有股东治理  去僵尸化    
Summary:  In recent years, how to deal with zombie firms has become a widespread concern in top-level design, academic research and social practice in the context of the new era of economic structural transformation and the comprehensive deepening of reforms. In the process of China's economic transition, some companies have suffered long-term losses, near-zero profits and stagnant production. However, they have been able to survive by relying on large financial subsidies and low-cost bank credit and are commonly referred to as “zombie firms.” The existence of zombie firms not only affects the normal functioning of non-zombie firms and creates a crowding-out effect but also reduces the efficiency of resource allocation in the market, hinders technological progress and ultimately impedes high-quality economic and social development.
Furthermore, as an important foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) play a key role in the rapid development of the Chinese economy and the realization of strategic goals. However, issues such as “owner's absence” and “inner control” have created a relatively serious zombification problem in some SOEs, restricting their core role in the national economy. Therefore, how to better manage state-owned zombie firms and promote the development of high-quality SOEs has become a key element in the success of the comprehensive deepening of reforms in the new era.
On this basis, this paper studies the influence of non-state shareholders' governance on the de-zombification of SOEs in the context of the comprehensive deepening of mixed ownership reform in the new era. The results show that the participation of non-state shareholders in the high-level governance of SOEs can significantly reduce the number of redundant staff and increase capital intensity, thereby reducing the tendency of SOEs to become zombie firms. This effect is more pronounced when state-owned executives have relatively little influence over business decisions and when the equity structure dimension of governance is weak. By subdividing the indicators identifying zombie firms, this paper finds that the governance of non-state shareholders can reduce the degree of zombification of SOEs and promote their normal operation in terms of limiting the acquisition of low-interest loans and improving their profitability. Ultimately, the production capacity and market value of well-managed SOEs are significantly improved.
The findings of this article show that the governance of non-state shareholders plays a positive role in promoting the de-zombification and development of SOEs, which not only provides a useful supplement to the literature on zombie firms' governance and SOE reform but also helps china better coordinate the core role of SOEs in the new journey of building a modern socialist country. In fact, SOEs play an irreplaceable role in promoting the development and growth of the socialist public economy, safeguarding national economic security and achieving national strategic goals, which are paramount in the new journey toward a modern socialist country. This article explores how to achieve the de-zombification of SOEs without losing control of state-owned shareholders and without losing state-owned assets, which is important for practice and policy.
First, the findings of this article provide a workable solution for zombie firms. The governance of non-state shareholders can promote the development of SOEs to a position of honor in the context of mixed ownership reform.
Second, in the mixed ownership reform process of SOEs, it is difficult to empower non-state shareholders to play a governance role by simply mixing equity. Only by better ensuring that non-state shareholders appoint directors, supervisors and senior executives to participate in the governance of SOEs can these shareholders have sufficient discursive power to mix public and private capital from “quantitative change” to “qualitative change.” Therefore, SOEs at all levels of mixed ownership reform should ensure that these shareholders exercise their due rights.
Third, non-state shareholders face many constraints when playing an active role in governance. Top managers in SOEs often have undue personal influence over the enterprise, greatly weakening the voice of non-state shareholders. Therefore, to strengthen the voice of non-state shareholders, it is important to limit the influence of SOE managers, which will better ensure the effective progress of reform.
Keywords:  State-owned Enterprises    Mixed Ownership Reform    Non-state Shareholders' Governance    De-zombification
JEL分类号:  D22   E61   G34  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家自然科学基金重大项目“会计、审计对企业经营管理与宏观经济发展的影响研究”(71790603);国家自然科学基金面上项目 “去杠杆”、风险叠加与经济后果(71972005);国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于企业集团内部网络的资本市场重大负面事件风险传染研究”(72002223);国家自然科学基金面上项目“注册制改革与风险投资功能研究:理论机制与经济后果”(72072079)的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  汤泰劼,会计学博士研究生,北京大学光华管理学院,   
作者简介:  马新啸,会计学博士研究生,中山大学管理学院,
马新啸, 汤泰劼, 蔡贵龙. 非国有股东治理与国有企业去僵尸化——来自国有上市公司董事会“混合”的经验证据[J]. 金融研究, 2021, 489(3): 95-113.
MA Xinxiao, TANG Taijie, CAI Guilong. Governance of Non-state Shareholders and De-zombification of SOEs: Evidence from the “Mixed” Board of Directors of listed SOEs in China. Journal of Financial Research, 2021, 489(3): 95-113.
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