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金融研究  2021, Vol. 488 Issue (2): 75-93    
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曹廷求, 张翠燕
山东大学经济学院,山东济南 250100
Capital Return, Property Rights Protection and Regional Fund Agglomeration
CAO Tingqiu, ZHANG Cuiyan
School of Economics, Shandong University
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摘要 各地区能否吸引资金集聚对实施区域协调发展战略、构建高质量发展的国土空间格局至关重要。基于此,本文采用直接法依据资金来源渠道计算我国各地区1985-2017年吸引的资金流量数据,并从逐利性以及产权保护两个视角考察地区资金流动动机。实证结果表明,总体上,资金与资本回报率之间呈“U形”关系。当资本回报率较低时,资金不具有逐利性,但一旦超过临界值资金则会凸显逐利性。受资金来源结构影响,东部地区资金的逐利性更强,而非东部地区的资金流动不具有逐利性。从资金与产权保护的关系看,总体上,完善的法治化契约制度比代表市场化营商环境的产权制度更能吸引资金集聚,但东部地区产权保护制度是吸引资金集聚的关键因素,非东部地区则是契约制度。各地区完善产权保护制度和要素市场化配置过程中应各有侧重,把有效市场和有为政府更好结合起来推动要素在区域间自由流动,是促进区域协调发展的必由之路。
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关键词:  资金来源  资本回报率  产权保护  资金集聚    
Summary:  Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has made remarkable achievements, but it also faces problems such as gradually widening unbalanced development gap and insufficient coordination of regions. It has been widely recognized that the gap is affected by the allocation of financial resources and the regional coordinated development cannot do without the support of financial resources, which come from domestic commercial and fiscal financing, foreign investment and other funds in China. According to the neoclassical theory, the profit-seeking nature of capital will drive funds to flow to regions with high return on capital. However, the international capital flow does not always follow this model, so the famous “Lucas paradox” appears. Then what factors drive the inter-regional capital flow in China? The theory of efficient allocation of resources indicates that under the same risk level, the profit-seeking and risk-avoiding characteristics of capital will prompt capital to flow to enterprises, industries and sections with high capital efficiency, while under the same capital efficiency level, it will drive capital to flow to those with low risks. This paper studies the driving factors of regional capital agglomeration considering both capital return and property rights protection, and accurately measures the degree of regional capital agglomeration according to the sources of capitals in China, which is practically important to realize the efficient market-oriented allocation of production factors, build a high-quality land spatial layout and promote regional coordinated development.
This paper constructs the capital agglomeration index based on the sources of capital, including bank loan, securities market financing, central project investment, transfer payment and foreign investment. By analyzing and counting the capital situation among provinces in China from 1985 to 2017, it is found that the inter-regional capital flows have changed greatly with the capital difference between the eastern and western regions gradually narrowed. As far as the source structure of funds is concerned, central projects and transfer payments are the main sources in the central and western regions, while loans and securities market financing in the eastern regions. Using the Fixed Effect model (FE) and the Instrumental Variable method (IV) of panel fixed effect to estimate the parameters, we find that there is a non-linear relationship between capital and return on capital, with U-shape in the eastern region and inverted U-shape in the non-eastern region, and a critical value condition for the occurrence of profit-seeking behavior of capital. The statistics of the critical value show that the returns on capital of most provinces in the eastern regions are on the right side of the lowest point, while those in the non-eastern region are on the right side of the highest point, indicating strong profit-seeking for the eastern capitals and weak for non-eastern capitals because of a high proportion of transfer payment in the central and western capitals. More capital is gathered in areas with good contracting institution while the property institution does not significantly promote capital agglomeration. The regional heterogeneity of the relationship between capital and property rights implies that the eastern region should pay attention to improving property rights institution, while the western region should focus on the improvement of contracting institution, so as to create a "wind vane" to attract capitals.
However, it must be realized that the higher rate of return on capital and the strong profit-seeking nature of capitals in the eastern region will drive the further flow of funds from the west to the east, which will widen the economic development gap in the long run. A large flow of funds to the east will aggravate the excessive financialization and cause funds to be diverted out of the real economy in the east,while serious financing constraints due to lack of funds will directly hinder western economic development. The local government should promote the reform of property right institution and the market allocation of factors according to the local actual situation, control the rate of return on capital within a certain range to absorb long-term stable financial support and make a better combination of efficient market and promising government for coordinated development of regions in China.
Keywords:  Fund Source    Return on Capital    Property Rights Protection    Fund Agglomeration
JEL分类号:  E22   E51   R11  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家自然科学基金面上项目(71973085)、“泰山学者专项工程”经费资助。感谢匿名审稿专家的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  张翠燕,博士研究生,山东大学经济学院,   
作者简介:  曹廷求,管理学博士,教授,山东大学经济学院,
曹廷求, 张翠燕. 资本回报、产权保护与区域资金集聚[J]. 金融研究, 2021, 488(2): 75-93.
CAO Tingqiu, ZHANG Cuiyan. Capital Return, Property Rights Protection and Regional Fund Agglomeration. Journal of Financial Research, 2021, 488(2): 75-93.
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