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金融研究  2021, Vol. 488 Issue (2): 56-74    
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双边出口全球价值链实际 有效汇率弹性理论测度及解析
彭红枫, 刘海莹
山东财经大学金融学院, 山东济南 250002
Measurement and Analysis of the Real Effective Exchange Rate Elasticity of Global Value Chains of Bilateral Exports
PENG Hongfeng, LIU Haiying
School of Finance, Shandong University of Finance and Economics
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摘要 近年来,汇率与出口弱相关现象引起理论界和实务界的广泛关注。本文通过考虑全球价值链带来的供给侧联系和第三国汇率效应,使用双边出口全球价值链实际有效汇率弹性指标对双边层面的相对价格竞争力与出口关系作出新的测度和结构贡献度分解。研究发现,对相对价格竞争力与出口关系修正后测度的双边出口全球价值链实际有效汇率弹性值显著为负。出口对修正的汇率变动依旧富有弹性。“汇率对出口影响弱化”并没有传统实际有效汇率和双边汇率表现的那么严重,更没有出现“贬值抑制出口”等不符合理论预期的反常情况。双边出口全球价值链实际有效汇率弹性结构分解贡献度结果显示,伴随我国在全球价值链中参与度和地位的提升,中国对主要贸易伙伴出口中由相对价格变动引起中间产品结构变动对总弹性的贡献度不断提升。
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关键词:  全球价值链实际有效汇率  双边出口汇率弹性  弹性分解    
Summary:  The RMB exchange rate has shown continuous appreciation since June 2020 due to China's effective COVID-19 prevention and control measures and stable economic recovery. However, exports have also shown rapid growth. The traditional macroeconomic hypothesis that exchange rate appreciation inhibits exports has therefore been challenged. The weak correlation between exchange rates and exports has attracted widespread attention in recent years (Yang, 2013; Ahmed et al., 2015). The main reason for this phenomenon is that, against the background of global value chains, countries have supply-side relations through the intermediate goods trade. The traditional real effective exchange rate, based on Armington's demand theory, considers only demand-side relations between countries. This exchange rate can no longer accurately reflect the relationship between a country's price competitiveness and its exports: it is misleading in both direction and quantity (Bems and Johnson, 2012).
Bems and Johnson (2012, 2015, 2017) build a new model that measures the real effective exchange rate based on the input-output relationship in the global value chains. Ni (2018) extends this model to bilateral exports. This method provides an accurate measure of the changes in the competitiveness of bilateral export prices. We further apply this indicator to make a theoretical measurement and provide a structural decomposition of the real effective exchange rate elasticity of global value chains of bilateral exports. By introducing a third country's exchange rate effect and supply-side linkages, we can correct the quantitative and directional errors that ensue when the traditional exchange rate is used as a measure of relative price competitiveness to explain the relationship with exports.
This paper provides two main contributions. First, the research shifts from the revision of traditional exchange rate indicators to the exchange rate elasticity of bilateral exports. This is based on the models of Bems and Johnson (2012, 2015, 2017), Patel et al. (2014), and Ni(2018). It fully considers the supply-side linkages and exchange rate effects of a third country under global value chains. From the perspective of model construction, we measure and analyze the real effective exchange rate elasticity of global value chains of bilateral exports. We do this to explain key phenomena described by recent research, such as the irrelevance of exports and exchange rates, the weakening influence of exchange rate on exports, and even cases in which depreciation reduces exports. Second, we decompose the real effective exchange rate elasticity of global value chains of bilateral exports into three components. The three components caused by relative price changes are as follows: changes in the final product structure, changes in the structure of intermediate products, and changes in the structure of intermediate inputs and value-added substitution. This decomposition aids understanding of the structural factors behind the change in elasticity.
We use World Input-Output (WIOD) table data from 2000 to 2014 provided by the WIOD database for calculation. Our conclusions are as follows. First, the absolute value of the real effective exchange rate elasticity of the global value chains of China's exports to major trading partners is between 0.729 and 0.883. The role of exchange rates in weakening exports is less serious than that of traditional exchange rates, and there is no evidence that depreciation reduces exports. The traditional exchange rate does have large errors in both direction and quantity when describing changes in bilateral relative price competitiveness and export relations. Second, the further decomposition of the real effective exchange rate elasticity of global value chains of bilateral exports shows that the contribution of intermediate product structure changes caused by relative price changes to the total elasticity of China's exports to major trading partners has continuously increased. This has occurred alongside China's increasing participation and status in global value chains. We also find in the decomposition that the structural contributions of some countries and regions, such as Japan and the U.S., display similar values and changes.
It is therefore necessary to measure the real effective exchange rate elasticity of global value chains of bilateral exports to accurately assess the export trade situation, enhance the efficiency of export trade policy formulation, and correct errors in the traditional exchange rate elasticity measurement. We should pay attention to the changes in the structure of intermediate products for China's exports. In the short term, trade can be transferred by looking for alternative trading partners to calm export fluctuation when a shock occurs. In the long term, the issue still needs to be solved through structural adjustment and policy communication.
Keywords:  Real Effective Exchange Rate of Global Value Chains    Exchange Rate Elasticity of Bilateral Exports    Elastic Decomposition
JEL分类号:  F14   F31   G15  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家社会科学基金重大项目“人民币加入SDR、一篮子货币定值与中国宏观经济的均衡研究”(项目编号:16ZDA032)和“泰山学者”专项工程经费(ts201712059)资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  刘海莹,博士研究生,山东财经大学金融学院,   
作者简介:  彭红枫,经济学博士,教授,山东财经大学金融学院,
彭红枫, 刘海莹. 双边出口全球价值链实际 有效汇率弹性理论测度及解析[J]. 金融研究, 2021, 488(2): 56-74.
PENG Hongfeng, LIU Haiying. Measurement and Analysis of the Real Effective Exchange Rate Elasticity of Global Value Chains of Bilateral Exports. Journal of Financial Research, 2021, 488(2): 56-74.
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