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金融研究  2020, Vol. 478 Issue (4): 91-111    
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马理, 何云, 牛慕鸿
武汉大学经济与管理学院, 湖北武汉 430072;
中国人民银行研究局, 北京 100800
Does Opening Up Lead to Increased Risk in the Chinese Banking Industry? An Empirical Test Based on Foreign Ownership and Overseas Assets
MA Li, HE Yun, NIU Muhong
School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University;
Research Bureau, The People's Bank of China
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摘要 对外开放是否导致商业银行的风险上升,以往学者的研究结论并不统一。本文基于中国392家商业银行的微观数据,检验了“引进来”(用外资持股比例作为替代指标)与“走出去”(用海外资产占比作为替代指标)对商业银行风险承担行为的影响。结果显示,对外开放与商业银行的风险之间呈现非线性曲线特征并存在临界点;对中小型商业银行而言,过高的外资持股比例与过低的境外投资规模会带来风险;对大型商业银行而言,境外投资规模存在一个阈值区间,在阈值区间内,可能导致银行风险上升。政策建议是:外资参股中小型商业银行的比例可能不宜过高,鼓励中小型商业银行加大境外投资力度,大型商业银行可以根据特定时期的目标来调整对外开放策略,同时应强化风险预警与防范手段,在坚持与扩大银行业对外开放的背景下,实施宏观审慎原则,维护我国金融体系的整体稳定。
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关键词:  对外开放  外资持股比例  海外资产占比  商业银行风险    
Summary:  Since 2017, regulatory authorities in China have promulgated a series of rules to promote the opening up of the banking industry to the international market. There is little consensus about the impact of this opening up on bank risk. The opening up of the banking industry in emerging market countries provides mixed evidence. The banking industry in some of these countries has improved its financial innovation ability and international competitiveness. However, in some countries, it has led to increased operating and development costs in the banking industry, resulting in greater financial risk. It is generally believed that the benefits of opening up depend on an industry's level of development, the stability of the financial system, and the degree of opening up. If the banking industry is relatively stable and has a high level of development, increased openness can improve its profitability and promote the development of the domestic banking industry. However, if the banking industry is relatively weak and has accumulated high risks, then due to opening up, the banking industry will face major challenges from strong foreign financial institutions.
It can be seen that the risk analysis of the opening up of the banking industry has strong heterogeneity. The development experience of other countries has limited relevance to the opening up of the banking industry in China. We should study the risks brought about by opening up and design appropriate institutions based on national conditions and the development of the banking industry. This paper makes several theoretical contributions: it constructs a research framework for opening up and bank risk, expands the theoretical research on the relationship between bank opening and risk-taking under an open economy, and discusses degrees of opening up and their impact on bank risk. It also has practical significance: on the basis of micro-data, it offers an analysis of the impact of opening up on bank risk, providing empirical support and decision-making guidelines for the prevention and control of risk in opening up China's banking industry.
In this paper, the proportion of foreign ownership is used as an proxy for “bringing in,” the proportion of overseas assets as an alternative index for “going out,” and the Z value and rate of non-performing loans as proxies for the operational risk and credit risk of the banking industry. Small and medium-sized commercial banks and large commercial banks are used to examine the relationship between opening up and bank risk. The results show that there is a nonlinear curve between opening up and the risk of commercial banks, and there is a critical point. For small and medium-sized commercial banks, a very high proportion of foreign ownership and very small scale of overseas investment will bring risk. For large commercial banks, there is a threshold range for the scale of overseas investment, which may lead to increased bank risk within that range.
This paper makes the following policy suggestions. The proportion of foreign ownership in small and medium-sized commercial banks should not be too high, and small and medium-sized commercial banks should be encouraged to increase their overseas investment. Large commercial banks can adjust their strategy of opening up according to their target in a specific period. Risk warning and control measures should be strengthened. In expanding the opening up of the banking industry, we should implement the principle of macro-prudence, prudently assess the possible risks, and maintain the overall stability of China's financial system.
The main innovations and contributions of this paper are as follows. First, based on the micro-data of opening up in financial reports and announcements of 392 commercial banks in China, this paper empirically examines the correlation between opening up and bank risk to extract the unique characteristics of China's banking industry opening up to the world, from the perspectives of “bringing in” and “going out.” Second, the paper analyses the critical points in the process of opening up the banking industry, identifies the “degrees” of opening up, and makes policy recommendations for controlling financial risk in this process. In the future, when data are available, we will examine the impact of opening up on bank risk from multiple perspectives.
Keywords:  Opening up    Proportion of Foreign Ownership    Proportion of Overseas Assets    Risk of Commercial Banks
JEL分类号:  G21   G33   F41  
基金资助: * 本文感谢教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(17JZD015)“经济新常态下中国金融开放与金融安全研究”、教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(15JZD013)“经济发展新常态下我国货币政策体系建设研究”、湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究重大项目(18ZD002)“十八大以来党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略研究——促进供给侧改革的货币政策调控”、武汉大学自主科研项目(人文社会科学)研究成果与中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助。
作者简介:  马 理,金融学博士,教授,武汉大学经济与管理学院,
何 云,博士研究生,武汉大学经济与管理学院,
马理, 何云, 牛慕鸿. 对外开放是否导致银行业的风险上升?——基于外资持股比例与海外资产占比的实证检验[J]. 金融研究, 2020, 478(4): 91-111.
MA Li, HE Yun, NIU Muhong. Does Opening Up Lead to Increased Risk in the Chinese Banking Industry? An Empirical Test Based on Foreign Ownership and Overseas Assets. Journal of Financial Research, 2020, 478(4): 91-111.
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