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金融研究  2019, Vol. 469 Issue (7): 1-18    
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张成思, 郑宁
中国人民大学财政金融学院/中国财政金融政策研究中心,北京 100872
Heterogeneity of the Financialization of the Real Economy in China
ZHANG Chengsi, ZHENG Ning
School of Finance, Renmin University of China;China Fiscal and Monetary Policy Research Center
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摘要 本文基于实业和金融两类投资组合模型的构建,重点考察不同所有权性质和不同行业企业的金融化驱动机制是否具有异质性,并探究不同类别金融投资对应结果的差异性特征。实证结果与已有研究以及传统印象并不一致:我们发现,风险规避是中国非国有企业和制造业企业金融化的显著驱动因素,而国有企业和非制造业企业则不存在这一特征;同时,非制造业企业的金融投资主要由收益率差驱动,而在其他企业样本中均没有证据显示追逐利润是企业金融化的推动因素。不同企业样本的融资约束、杠杆率、成长性、流动性水平以及资产质量等因素对企业金融资产占比的影响也存在显著差异。进一步区分企业金融投资中货币和非货币类金融资产的不同特性并考虑企业的长期股权投资,结果表明货币类金融资产和非货币类金融资产的驱动机制存在明显差异:对于货币类金融资产投资,国有企业主要受资本逐利因素推动,其他企业则未体现这一特征;对于非货币类金融资产投资,非国有企业、制造业和非制造业企业均受到风险因素驱动,而国有企业则不受影响;将企业长期股权投资纳入金融资产后结果则未产生明显差异。
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关键词:  金融化  金融投资  实体企业  投资组合  异质性    
Summary:  Recent developments in financial markets have shifted researchers' focus from the financial development of the real sector to the development of financial investments. When firms in the real sector engage in too much financial investment, i.e., when they participate in financial market activities and neglect the development and innovation of the main business, the result may be phenomena such as “financialization”, which involves a switch from a “real” economy to a “virtual” economy. Previous studies have examined the negative impact of the financialization of the real economy on corporate management, innovation, and so on, but only a few have focused on a more crucial problem: why do firms favor financial investments? Studies using appropriate theoretical settings and modeling are urgently needed. One important research question is whether there is any heterogeneity in the financial investment mechanisms of different types of enterprises, and what are the differences? A scientific answer to this question will undoubtedly provide policy makers with a more targeted and differentiated approach to regulation.
This study uses the portfolio choice model featuring fixed and financial assets, relaxing the model hypothesis and constructing a cross-period portfolio choice model to analyze the heterogeneity of the mechanism that drives the financialization of different types of enterprises. We set up the empirical model based on theoretical expressions, and apply GMM estimation using the panel data on China's A-share listed non-financial firms from the 2006-2016 period.
Our analysis focuses on the heterogeneity of the mechanism driving the financial investments of different types of enterprises. We separate financial assets into cash and non-cash financial assets. We divide the main sample into two subsets based on the type of ownership and industry: state-owned enterprises vs. non-state-owned enterprises and manufacturing vs. non-manufacturing groups.
The results show that there are obvious differences in the mechanisms driving financial investment. The non-state-owned enterprises face stronger external financing constraints and higher operational risks; therefore, the motivation to hold financial assets is mainly to avoid risk. State-owned enterprises are mainly restricted by internal cash flow and leverage ratio, and risk aversion is not a significant driving factor. The income from the main business of manufacturing firms depends on fixed assets, which encourages firms to hold financial assets to avoid the fixed investment risk, whereas the financial investment of non-manufacturing firms is mainly driven by the profit motive.
We also find that there are apparent differences in the mechanisms driving choices in cash and non-cash financial assets. The cash investment of state-owned enterprises is mainly driven by the profit motive, whereas non-state-owned enterprises do not show this characteristic. The non-cash financial assets investments of non-state-owned, manufacturing and non-manufacturing firms are driven by uncertainty in economic policy, whereas state-owned enterprises are unaffected by this uncertainty. The results are robust to the removal of long-term equity investments in financial assets.
For policy makers interested in promoting “financial sectors returning to source” and “financial sectors serving the real economy”, this study's findings have specific policy implications. Strengthening the regulation of investment risk, clearing financing channels, and reducing the uncertainty of real investment should be key targets for policy makers. More importantly, macro policies that are generalized to all enterprises fail to recognize the heterogeneity of enterprises and the different preferences in financial investment. To guide the real economy to participate in investment activities and to help realize the optimal allocation of resources across departments and industries, policies are needed to address the unfair financing environment for non-state-owned enterprises, the “soft budget constraints” of state-owned enterprises, and the high risk of investment in manufacturing industries.
Keywords:  Financialization    Financial Investments    Real Sector Enterprises    Portfolio Investment    Heterogeneity
JEL分类号:  E12   G30   G32  
基金资助: * 本研究受到国家自然科学基金项目资助(项目批准号:71873131)。
作者简介:  张成思,经济学博士,教授,中国人民大学财政金融学院/中国财政金融政策研究中心,
郑 宁,博士研究生,中国人民大学财政金融学院,
张成思, 郑宁. 中国实业部门金融化的异质性[J]. 金融研究, 2019, 469(7): 1-18.
ZHANG Chengsi, ZHENG Ning. Heterogeneity of the Financialization of the Real Economy in China. Journal of Financial Research, 2019, 469(7): 1-18.
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