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金融研究  2019, Vol. 468 Issue (6): 20-38    
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武汉纺织大学管理学院,湖北武汉 430200;
南昌大学经济管理学院,江西南昌 330031;
湖北经济学院金融学院,湖北武汉 430205
Deregulation of Interest Rates, Equalization of Profit-rate, and Enterprises' Shift from Real to Virtual
YANG Zheng,WANG Hongjian,DAI Jing,XU Chuanhua
School of Management, Wuhan Textile University;
School of Economics & Management, Nanchang University;
School of Finance, Hubei University of Economics
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摘要 本文以我国贷款利率上下限放开为准自然实验,基于产权性质差异构造双重差分模型,实证考察放松利率管制如何影响实体企业金融化。研究发现:放松贷款利率下限管制能够显著抑制非国有企业金融化程度,而放松贷款利率上限管制则无显著作用,支持了“市场套利观”。机制检验发现贷款利率下限管制的放松显著抑制企业债务成本对企业利润的侵蚀作用;拓展性检验还发现对于盈利能力越强、规模越大以及市场竞争压力越小的公司,放松贷款利率下限管制对抑制非国有企业金融化的作用更显著。以上研究结论表明,实体经济与虚拟经济间的利润率差距是我国实体企业金融化的重要诱因,金融市场化改革有助于抑制实体企业金融化、改善“实体经济”与“虚拟经济”间的良性互动关系,从而助推实体经济的健康发展。
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关键词:  放松利率管制  利润率均等化  实体企业金融化  产权性质    
Summary:  Summary: In recent years, the profits of entity enterprises, especially those in the manufacturing sector, have been on the wane under the double impact of an economic downturn and overcapacity. In contrast, financial enterprises have earned excess profits with their monopoly position. The profit gap between the manufacturing and financial sectors encourages entity enterprises to become financialized to obtain excess returns. This has caused entities to gradually deviate from their main business, hollowing out the manufacturing sector, while also stimulating capital demand by entities who are allocating resources to financial assets. This has resulted in a shift from a real to a virtual economy.
   Interest rate deregulation not only helps to eliminate credit discrimination, match loan risks with loan interest rates, and improve the debt financing conditions, it also strengthens competition in the financial industry, reduces the debt financing costs of enterprises, and leads to profit rate equalization between the real and virtual economies. As a result, interest rate deregulation also affects the investment and financing structures of micro-enterprises. China has gradually formed a market-based interest rate decision mechanism and deregulated interest rates. It is important to study how this reformation has affected macroeconomic growth and the behavior of micro-enterprises. Although the one-size-fits-all policy of loosening interest rate control makes it difficult to identify its microeconomic effects, the dual properties of China's entities provides a natural experiment for examining how interest rates affect the financing of enterprises.
   By selecting China's A-share non-financial listed companies in the 2001-2015 period as our sample, and by taking the distinct cancellation of the upmost limit and the lowest limit of loan interest rates in 2004 and 2013 as a quasi-natural experiment, the study uses the different property rights of companies to construct a difference-in-difference (DID) model for investigating how interest rate deregulation affects the financialization of the entity enterprises. The results show that the deregulation of the lowest loan interest rate significantly inhibits the financialization of non-state enterprises, whereas the deregulation of the upper limit of loan interest rates has no significant effect, which supports the “market arbitrage” concept. The mechanism test reveals that a relaxation in the deregulation of the lower limit of the loan interest rate significantly inhibits debt costs' erosion of enterprise profits. A further theoretical mechanism test shows that the stronger the profitability, the larger the scale, and the smaller the market competition pressure, the more significant the effect of the deregulation of lower loan interest rate on the suppression of the non-state enterprises' financialization. These results show that the profit margin gap between the real economy and the virtual economy is an important institutional incentive for Chinese entity enterprises' financialization. Therefore, reforming financial marketization will help to inhibit the virtualization of entity enterprises, improve the positive interaction between the real economy and the virtual economy, and boost the rapid development of the real economy.
   This study makes three main academic contributions. First, it reveals the specific mechanism through which financial marketization reform leads to the financialization of entities from the perspective of interest rate deregulation. It clarifies the significance of financial marketization reform in building a benign interaction between the real economy and the virtual economy. Second, it examines the consequences of interest rate deregulation on the financialization of the entity enterprises, and demonstrates not only the positive impact of financial marketization reform, as represented by interest rate deregulation, but also confirms enterprises' market arbitrage motive for financialization. Third, the quasi-natural experiment and the DID model help to alleviate the possible endogeneity problem between interest rate marketization and financialization of entities.
   The following issues remain to be explored in future studies: (1) the impact of interest rate marketization, especially benchmark interest rate marketization, on the relationship between the real and virtual economies, along with the deepening of interest rate marketization reform; (2) whether the interest rate marketization influences the behaviors of micro-enterprises by virtue of other mechanisms; and (3) whether a more multidimensional perspective of interest rate marketization can more accurately determine its economic consequences.
Keywords:  Deregulation of Interest Rates    Equalization of Profit Rate    Financialization of Entity Enterprises    Property Rights
JEL分类号:  E44   E52   G11  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家自然科学基金资助项目(71571139、71871172)、国家自然科学青年基金项目(71602069)、湖北省高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地-企业决策支持研究中心重大项目(DSS20180204)、湖北金融发展与金融安全研究中心2018年重点课题(2018Z002)的资助。
作者简介:  杨 筝(通讯作者),管理学博士,讲师,高级经济师,武汉纺织大学管理学院,
戴 静,经济学博士,副教授,湖北经济学院金融学院,
杨筝, 王红建, 戴静, 许传华. 放松利率管制、利润率均等化与实体企业“脱实向虚”[J]. 金融研究, 2019, 468(6): 20-38.
YANG Zheng, WANG Hongjian, DAI Jing, XU Chuanhua. Deregulation of Interest Rates, Equalization of Profit-rate, and Enterprises' Shift from Real to Virtual. Journal of Financial Research, 2019, 468(6): 20-38.
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