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金融研究  2019, Vol. 466 Issue (4): 92-110    
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巫岑, 黎文飞, 唐清泉
暨南大学管理学院,广东广州 510632;
广州大学经济与统计学院,广东广州 510006;
中山大学管理学院,广东广州 510275
Industrial Policy and the Speed of Leverage Adjustment
WU Cen, LI Wenfei, TANG Qingquan
School of Management, Jinan University;
School of Economics and Statistics, Guangzhou University;
Business School, Sun Yat-sen University
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摘要 本文以2006-2015年我国沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,在“十一五”与“十二五”产业规划所处的时间区间内,考察了产业政策对企业资本结构调整速度的影响以及作用路径。结果显示,产业政策与企业资本结构调整速度显著正相关,且分别在非国有、小规模和融资约束较严重的企业中更加显著。区分调整方向后发现,产业政策能提高资本结构向上调整的速度,但只有重点产业政策能提高固定资产比例较低的企业向下调整的速度。基于作用路径的分析发现,产业政策提高了企业选择增加债务的方式来调整资本结构的概率;重点产业政策提高了特定类型企业以增加权益方式向下调整资本结构的概率。上述结果表明,产业政策主要通过债务融资方式影响资本结构调整速度,而只有受到重点产业政策支持的特定类型的企业能够通过权益融资方式提高资本结构调整速度。
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关键词:  产业政策  资本结构调整速度  调整成本    
Summary:  Recently, the dynamic adjustment of leverage has become a popular research topic. Theorists point out that each company has a target value of leverage, and lower or higher levels damage firm value. Therefore, when leverage deviates from the target value, the company has an incentive to adjust it towards the target value. However, due to the incompleteness of the market, many factors prevent companies from freely adjusting their leverage. This is especially pronounced in China, where high financing costs and a lack of financing opportunities delay leverage adjustment. Research has shown that a company's external financing environment has an important impact on the speed of leverage adjustment. Although industrial policy is considered an important institutional factor affecting a company's financing environment, we know of no research on whether and how industrial policy affects the speed of leverage adjustment, which provides us with a research opportunity.
As an important institutional background in China, industrial policy has a significant impact on the external financing environment of companies through direct intervention and indirect guidance, and may thus affect the speed of leverage adjustment. Direct intervention mainly includes technological control, environmental protection control, directory guidance, market access control, project approval control, etc., while indirect guidance includes fiscal subsidies, tax incentives, and financial policies aimed at ensuring the implementation of industrial policy. In terms of debt financing, industrial policies enable selected companies to be favored by banks and to be related with higher mortgage expectations, resulting in more loans and faster upward leverage adjustment. In terms of equity financing, industrial policies provide selected companies with more financing opportunities via SEO, etc.,which speeds up downward leverage adjustments. However, because the debt financing channel is dominant among Chinese listed companies, the main impact of industrial policies is likely to be faster upward leverage adjustment.
Drawing on a sample of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2006 to 2015, this article explores the influence of industrial policy on the speed of leverage adjustment during the eleventh and the twelfth five-year plans. Industrial policies are identified through policy documents and relevant literature and firm-level financial data is obtained from the CSMAR database. The empirical results reveal that support from industrial policies is associated with faster adjustment, and the effect is more pronounced in non-SOEs, smaller firms, and firms under more serious financial constraints. After separating the two adjustment directions, we show that being supported by industrial policies helps firms speed up upward adjustment and also helps firms with fewer fixed assets speed up downward adjustment. This article also indicates that debt financing is the main channel through which industrial policy affects the speed of leverage adjustment, and support from key industrial policies can affect how certain kind of firms adjust leverage via equity financing. Our results suggest that equity financing is still relatively costly compared with debt financing, and that companies still face many restrictions when attempting to obtain it.
This study contributes to the literature on industrial policy and leverage adjustment. It also provides direct empirical results on the channels of influence, enriching our perspective when evaluating the economic consequences of industrial policy. This study also has important policy implications. Considering the costs of capital market financing, providing companies with convenient debt financing channels can speed up leverage adjustment. We should also further improve the efficiency of the capital market, remove unnecessary policy barriers, reduce the transaction costs of equity financing, and provide more flexible ways for companies to quickly adjust their leverage. Future studies could focus on the impact of stock market reforms on the speed of leverage adjustment.
Keywords:  Industrial Policy    Speed of Leverage Adjustment    Adjustment Costs
JEL分类号:  L52   G32  
基金资助: 本文感谢国家自然科学基金青年项目(71802095;71702038)、国家自然科学基金面上项目(71672204)、国家自然科学基金重大项目(71790603)、中国博士后科学基金(2018M640888)和广州大学引进人才科研启动项目(2900603999)的资助。
作者简介:  巫 岑,管理学博士,暨南大学管理学院,
巫岑, 黎文飞, 唐清泉. 产业政策与企业资本结构调整速度[J]. 金融研究, 2019, 466(4): 92-110.
WU Cen, LI Wenfei, TANG Qingquan. Industrial Policy and the Speed of Leverage Adjustment. Journal of Financial Research, 2019, 466(4): 92-110.
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