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金融研究  2017, Vol. 440 Issue (2): 1-10    DOI: 10.12094/1002-7246(2017)02-0001-10
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纪志宏, 曹媛媛
中国人民银行,北京 100800
Credit Risk Premium or Market Liquidity Premium?: An Empirical Study on the Pricing of Credit Bonds in China
JI Zhihong, CAO Yuanyuan
the People's Bank of China
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摘要 我国信用债定价与成熟市场国家信用债定价存在显著差异,并未随着经济周期运行中违约风险的变化而产生明显调整。研究发现,我国市场主体普遍存在对信用债刚性兑付的预期,且倾向于采用信用债进行套利交易,这种行为导致信用债信用利差更多体现的是市场流动性溢价,而非信用风险溢价,因而反映市场流动性状况的货币市场利率水平、波动性对信用债定价具有较为重要的影响,而模糊了对手方信用的中央对手方的质押回购制度安排进一步强化了这种影响。
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关键词:  公司信用类债券  信用利差  市场流动性溢价    
Abstract:  There is a significant difference in the pricing ofcredit bondsbetween our domestic bond market and theforeignmature bond market.In domesticbond market, credit spread does not change along with the change of the default risk in the economic cycle. The study finds thatin credit bond marketthere is strong expectation for rigid paymentand participants are inclined to use arbitrage strategiesto do “carry trade”. Because of thisexpectation andbehavior, the credit spreads of bonds are more reflected in market liquidity premium, rather than the credit risk premium.Therefore,the interest rateand volatilityin money market whichreflect the status of market liquidity havefundamental influence on the pricing of credit bonds. Furthermore,the central counterparty repo arrangement in stock exchange bond marketsblurs the credit qualification of different enterprises andfurther magnifies this effect.
Key words:  Corporate Credit Bond    Credit Spread    Market Liquidity Premium
JEL分类号:  G12  
作者简介:  纪志宏,博士,研究员,中国人民银行金融市场司,曹媛媛,博士,副研究员,中国人民银行金融市场司,
纪志宏, 曹媛媛. 信用风险溢价还是市场流动性溢价:基于中国信用债定价的实证研究[J]. 金融研究, 2017, 440(2): 1-10.
JI Zhihong, CAO Yuanyuan. Credit Risk Premium or Market Liquidity Premium?: An Empirical Study on the Pricing of Credit Bonds in China. Journal of Financial Research, 2017, 440(2): 1-10.
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