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金融研究  2015, Vol. 424 Issue (10): 115-132    
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西南财经大学金融学院,四川成都 611130;
中国人民银行南京分行,江苏南京 210004
Asymmetric Information and Risk Mitigation for SMEs
School of Finance, SWUFE; Nanjing Branch of PBC
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摘要 本文基于中国某省2009~2014年43万笔中小企业信贷数据,研究信息不对称条件下,银企关系、银行竞争对中小企业信贷风险的影响。结果显示,银企关系对中小企业信贷风险整体上呈显著的正向影响,银行竞争对信贷风险有显著的负向影响,银企关系、银行竞争对不同类型企业信贷风险的影响存在异质性,并且银企关系与信贷市场垄断程度的影响相互加强。从影响渠道看,银企关系利于缓解企业逆向选择,但没有缓解道德风险,还会引发银行“套牢”企业,并加剧了信贷风险;银行竞争利于缓解银行对企业的“套牢”问题,降低企业融资成本,缓解了信贷风险。本文研究表明,降低信贷市场准入门槛,完善银行业市场竞争机制,加强贷后管理和监督,对解决我国中小企业融资成本高、风险大问题至为重要。
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关键词:  中小企业  银企关系  银行竞争  信贷风险    
Abstract:  Using a sample of 432564 lending transaction data in a Province of China during 2009~2014, this paper studies how the relationship lending and bank competition affect credit risk for SMEs on the condition of asymmetric information. We find the relationship lending has positive impact on the credit risk for SMEs, but the bank competition has negative impact. However, when the heterogeneity of SMEs is considered, the effect of relationship lending and bank competition on credit risk is different. From the influence of channel, the relationship lending could alleviate the adverse selection, but lead to hold-up problem and ultimately increase the credit risk for SMEs. The bank competition could relieve the hold up problem, reduce the loan cost and ultimately mitigate the credit risk for SMEs. It is important to improve competition mechanism and strengthen loan management in order to reduce the credit risk for SMEs.
Key words:  Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs)    Relationship lending    Bank competition    Credit risk
JEL分类号:  D82   G21   O16  
基金资助: *本文感谢中国人民银行南京分行重点研究课题专项经费的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见。文责自负。
作者简介:  钱 龙,西南财经大学金融学院博士,供职于中国人民银行南京分行,
钱龙. 信息不对称与中小企业信贷风险缓释机制研究[J]. 金融研究, 2015, 424(10): 115-132.
QIAN Long. Asymmetric Information and Risk Mitigation for SMEs. Journal of Financial Research, 2015, 424(10): 115-132.
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