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金融研究  2017, Vol. 450 Issue (12): 64-79    
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杨连星, 刘晓光
华东师范大学经济学院,上海 200241;
中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院,北京 100872
How Does Anti-dumping Affect the Binary Margins of Outward Direct Investment?
YANG Lianxing, LIU Xiaoguang
Facluty of Economics and Management School of Economics, East China Normal University;
National Academy of Development and Strategy, Renmin University of China
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摘要 关于反倾销对企业对外直接投资的影响,以往研究往往忽略了对外直接投资的结构特征,在一定程度上可能导致反倾销贸易壁垒所产生效应估计存在偏误。本文通过构建相关理论模型以及企业对外直接投资的二元边际,实证分析发现:反倾销对企业对外直接投资二元边际影响存在显著的差异性,即反倾销对于企业投资扩展边际具有较为一致的促进效应,但对于企业投资集约边际促进效应并不显著。分投资行业来看,反倾销在一定程度上促进了能源行业和金属业投资规模和投资范围的扩张,但抑制了交通运输业投资二元边际的扩张。分投资目的国来看,反倾销能够显著地促进企业对发达经济体和资源型经济体投资二元边际的增长,但对于新兴经济体投资的促进效应并不显著。因此,随着对华反倾销进入“常态化”阶段,企业一方面要积极理性应对,力争将贸易保护的负面影响降到最低,同时要主动对接国际竞争新规则,提升企业投资的国际市场竞争力。
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关键词:  集约边际  扩展边际  对外直接投资  反倾销    
Abstract:  In terms of the influence of anti-dumping on foreign direct investment of enterprises, the previous studies often ignored the structural characteristics of OFDI. By building the relevant theoretical models and the binary margins of FDI, empirical analysis shows that the dual effects of anti-dumping on FDI varies significantly. When it comes to investment industries, anti-dumping promoted the expansion of investment scale and investment scope in the energy industry and metal industry to a certain extent, but to a certain extent suppressed the expansion of transportation industry. In terms of target countries, anti-dumping can significantly promote the growth of enterprises' dual marginal investment in developed and resource-based economies, but the promotion effect on investment in emerging economies is not significant. Therefore, as the anti-dumping against China enters the stage of “normalization”, enterprises should actively respond rationally and strive to minimize the negative impact of trade protection.
Key words:  Intensive Margin    Extensive Margin    OFDI    Anti-dumping
JEL分类号:  F21   F23   F50  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家社科基金一般项目(15BN108)、国家社会科学基金青年项目(16CJL049)的资助; 感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见; 文责自负
作者简介:  杨连星,经济学博士,讲师,华东师范大学经济与管理学部经济学院,Email:刘晓光(通讯作者),经济学博士,讲师,中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院,Email:
杨连星, 刘晓光. 反倾销如何影响了对外直接投资的二元边际[J]. 金融研究, 2017, 450(12): 64-79.
YANG Lianxing, LIU Xiaoguang. How Does Anti-dumping Affect the Binary Margins of Outward Direct Investment?. Journal of Financial Research, 2017, 450(12): 64-79.
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