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金融研究  2017, Vol. 450 Issue (12): 48-63    
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魏玮, 陈杰
华东政法大学商学院,上海 201620;
上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院,上海 200433
Does Higher Mortgage Leverage Always Boost Housing Price?:Evidence from the Threshold Model of Provincial Panel Data
Bussiness School,East China University of Political Science and Law;
Sohool of Public Economics and Administration,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
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摘要 对于近年房价暴涨的原因业界多归因于“高杠杆”。然而加杠杆是否一定会成为房价上涨的助推器,一直以来并没有严格的理论证明与实证证据。文章通过对最优跨期消费理论模型的拓展推导出房价对房贷杠杆率的上调会呈现出负向、免疫和正向三种反应区间。随后,运用面板门槛模型对我国2006~2015年省际面板数据的实证分析,证实房贷杠杆对房价的影响存在显著的非线性双重门槛效应。但较之中西部地区,东部地区的双重门槛效应出现得更早,东部地区房价对房贷杠杆率变动也最为敏感。文章所得结论对如何合理运用金融和房地产市场政策工具对冲区域房价波动风险有一定现实指导意义。
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关键词:  房贷杠杆约束  房价波动  面板门槛模型    
Abstract:  Does higher mortgage leverage always pushes higher housing price? The existing literature does not give a conclusive answer to this question. This paper extends the optimal inter-temporal consumption theory model to allow mortgage leverage having nonlinear threshold effect on housing price. Applying the panel threshold model on Chinese provincial-level panel data over the period 2006-2015, our empirical research shows the response of housing price to financial leverage has double threshold effect but there is significant regional heterogeneity of this effect. Our research findings have important policy implications for real estate market regulation.
Key words:  Mortgage Leverage    Housing Price    Panel Threshold Model
JEL分类号:  F65   G12   G31  
基金资助: * 感谢国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(7161101095)、国家自然科学基金面上项目(71573166)、国家社科基金青年项目(13CJY039)、上海市哲学社会科学青年项目(2012EGL002)、华东政法大学科研创新项目(15HZK027)、华东政法大学学科骨干专项资助计划的资助; 感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,当然文责自负
作者简介:  魏 玮,经济学博士,讲师,华东政法大学商学院,Email:陈 杰(通讯作者),经济学博士,教授,上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院,
魏玮, 陈杰. 加杠杆是否一定会成为房价上涨的助推器?——来自省际面板门槛模型的证据[J]. 金融研究, 2017, 450(12): 48-63.
WEI Wei, CHEN Jie. Does Higher Mortgage Leverage Always Boost Housing Price?:Evidence from the Threshold Model of Provincial Panel Data. Journal of Financial Research, 2017, 450(12): 48-63.
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