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金融研究  2023, Vol. 511 Issue (1): 150-168    
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李凤, 吴卫星, 李东平, 路晓蒙
西南财经大学金融学院/中国家庭金融调查与研究中心,四川成都 611137;
对外经济贸易大学,北京 100029;
中证金融研究院,北京 100033
Can Investor Education Improve Investment Returns? Evidence from the Mutual Fund Individual Investor Survey
LI Feng, WU Weixing, LI Dongping, LU Xiaomeng
School of Finance/Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics;
University of International Business and Economics;
China Institute of Finance and Capital Markets
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摘要 投资者教育是保障资本市场平稳运行、良性发展的重要举措,也是我国资本市场重要的基础性制度建设。本文利用20000多份全国公募基金个人投资者调查数据,分析了投资者教育对基金投资收益的影响,并基于行为金融学框架探究了其背后的作用机制。以往文献研究表明,金融知识水平对投资收益会产生显著影响,本文研究发现,获取金融知识的渠道也会影响投资收益。相对于自己学习金融知识、相关工作经验累积金融知识、向亲戚朋友学习金融知识,投资者教育(如参加金融机构的投资教育活动、接受金融经济类课程或培训)更有助于投资者缓解趋势追逐、频繁交易、处置效应等交易行为偏差,从而获得更高的投资收益。进一步分析表明,投资者教育通过提高“理性程度”来提升基金投资盈利概率、投资总收益率和年均收益率的中介效应分别为19.41%、17.09%和12.75%。此外,不同群体参与投资者教育的积极性和受教育效果存在显著差异,投资者教育要更多采取“分类教育”的形式。本文研究对进一步加强投资者教育、更好地推动资本市场发展具有一定的参考意义。
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关键词:  投资者教育  行为偏差  公募基金  个人投资者    
Summary:  Investor education is important for ensuring the smooth operation and benign development of capital markets. Therefore, it has become the main pathway for promoting the sustainable development of China's capital market; accordingly, objectively evaluating its practical effects is of great significance.
Using data from the Nationwide Mutual Fund Individual Investor Survey on more than 20,000 investors, this paper analyzes the impact of investor education on mutual fund investment returns and explores its underlying mechanism using the behavioral finance framework. The survey data of mutual fund investors is used for two main reasons. First, individual investors are the main targets of investor education, and the mutual fund market is the primary means through which they participate in the capital market. Second, individual and institutional investors differ significantly in their investment behaviors. “A fund makes money, not the investors” has become a long-time phenomenon in China's fund market.
Theoretical and empirical evidence demonstrate that financial literacy significantly affects investment returns. This paper finds that the effect is associated with the way in which financial literacy is obtained. Furthermore, the literature focuses on the effects of financial literacy on risk market participation, investment portfolios, and other aspects. From the behavioral finance perspective, this paper studies the corrective effect of investor education on three types of behavioral bias: trend-chasing, overtrading, and the disposition effect. The results provide a broader perspective and objective support for understanding the behavioral characteristics of mutual fund investors in China.
The data include economic and demographic information, fund investment experience, and the interviewees' investment decision-making processes. The questionnaires were distributed in the second quarter of 2019 by fund management companies and sales institutions through a QR code. The quality of the sample was guaranteed by a trial survey before formal collection, tracking and monitoring during collection, and data quality verification after collection. We collected 49,800 valid questionnaires from 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions), and 35,103 of them report mutual fund investments. The final sample comprised 20,131 questionnaires, after removing those with missing data needed to calculate the primary study variable.
The findings show that (1) investor education significantly improves the investment returns of mutual fund investors. Compared with other learning methods, such as independent learning, work experience, or learning from relatives and friends, formal investor education (offered by financial institutions or financial/economic courses or training) helps investors achieve a higher return on investment. Therefore, we suggest that the government further accelerate the incorporation of investor education into the national education system. (2) Investor education can help investors achieve a better return on investment by mitigating their behavioral biases. Our data shows that overtrading, trend-chasing, and the disposition effect significantly reduce investment returns, whereas long-term investment objectives, regular fixed investments, reverse strategies, and the counter disposition effect significantly improve investment returns. By improving investors' rationality, investor education increases the probability of investment profitability, total return on investment, and average annual rate of fund investment by 19.41%, 17.09%, and 12.75%, respectively. Therefore, investor education should pay special attention to improving investors' risk identification skills to reduce behavioral bias and promote rational investment concepts. (3) Enthusiasm for and the effectiveness of investor education differ among groups of investors. Therefore, investor education should be tailored to improve its effectiveness for women, high-net-worth individuals, and long-term investors, and designed to appeal to men, low-net-worth individuals, and new investors.
Keywords:  Investor Education    Behavioral Bias    Mutual Funds    Individual Investors
JEL分类号:  D14   G40   G53  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家社会科学基金重大项目 (16ZDA033)和国家自然科学基金青年项目(72003149)的资助,感谢中证金融研究院潘黎副研究员对本文的建设性建议,感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  路晓蒙,经济学博士,副研究员,西南财经大学中国家庭金融调查与研究中心,   
作者简介:  李 凤,经济学博士,副教授,西南财经大学金融学院,
李凤, 吴卫星, 李东平, 路晓蒙. 投资者教育发挥作用了吗?——来自公募基金个人投资者调查数据的证据[J]. 金融研究, 2023, 511(1): 150-168.
LI Feng, WU Weixing, LI Dongping, LU Xiaomeng. Can Investor Education Improve Investment Returns? Evidence from the Mutual Fund Individual Investor Survey. Journal of Financial Research, 2023, 511(1): 150-168.
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