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金融研究  2022, Vol. 508 Issue (10): 98-116    
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尹洪英, 李闯
苏州大学商学院,江苏苏州 215021;
上海财经大学会计学院,上海 200433
Can Intelligent Manufacturing Empower Enterprise Innovation? A Quasi-Natural Experiment Based on China's Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Project
YIN Hongying, LI Chuang
Business School, Soochow University;
School of Accountancy, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
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摘要 智能制造已成为各国制造业发展的重要方向以及发展先进制造业的制高点。本文以中国智能制造示范项目的推广为准自然事件,研究智能制造对企业创新行为的影响效应及其机制。结果发现:智能制造的推广显著提高了企业创新水平,表明智能制造可以赋能企业创新,为企业高质量发展提供新动力。机制分析发现,智能制造主要通过信息渠道、人力资本渠道以及资金渠道三条路径提高企业创新水平。对企业创新结构解析发现,智能制造可以优化企业创新结构,提高企业创新质量。异质性因素分析发现,当企业规模较大、产权性质为非国有企业、劳动力较密集、所属行业竞争程度较高以及位于知识产权保护程度较高地区时,智能制造对企业创新的促进效应更显著。价值效应分析发现,智能制造赋能企业创新最终可带来企业当期以及未来业绩的提升,具有长期价值提升功能。本文为解读智能制造如何影响企业行为提供了理论依据,对企业实施智能制造并实现转型升级具有一定启示。
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关键词:  智能制造  企业创新  资产结构  劳动力结构  融资约束    
Summary:  China's manufacturing industry remains large but not robust. To transition from a manufacturer of quantity to one of quality, China needs to promote new economic forces and enhance its capacity for independent innovation.Intelligent manufacturing is currently seen as the key to empowering business and fostering economic growth. The ensuing question is whether intelligent manufacturing can become a new driving force for increasing quality among Chinese manufacturing firms, and if so, through what mechanism it can do so.
In accordance with the Announcement of the List of Pilot Demonstration Projects of Intelligent Manufacturing issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, this paper uses the propensity score matching method with difference-in-differences to investigate the effect of intelligent manufacturing on enterprise innovation behavior and the mechanism. The results show the following:
(1) Intelligent manufacturing promotes enterprise innovation, and the effect holds following a battery of endogeneity and robustness tests.
(2) Intelligent manufacturing facilitates enterprise innovation through the information channel, the human capital channel, and the capital channel. Through the information channel, intelligent manufacturing fosters innovation by enhancing firms' information gathering and processing capabilities, which in turn boost the flow of information in the research and development system. Through the human capital channel, intelligent manufacturing improves innovation by improving employees' innovation ability through optimizing the organization's human capital structure, increasing employees' on-the-job training behavior, and establishing effective human-machine collaboration. Through the capital channel, intelligent manufacturing enhances innovation by optimizing the supply chain relationship, bank-enterprise interactions, and the acquisition of legislative subsidies, thereby expanding the organization's innovation resources.
(3) The innovation structure analysis shows that intelligent manufacturing can optimize the enterprise innovation structure and improve enterprise innovation quality. In particular, implementing intelligent manufacturing can foster enterprises' joint innovation, optimize the quality of enterprise innovation, and increase the number of patents cited by enterprises.
(4) Based on the enterprise, industry, and market heterogeneity analyses, this paper shows that the positive effects of intelligent manufacturing on enterprise innovation are more pronounced for enterprises that are larger, non-state-owned, labor-intensive, in a highly competitive industry, and located in an area with a high level of intellectual property rights protection.
(5) The value effect shows that intelligent manufacturing enables enterprise innovation to improve the current and future performance of enterprises, thus enhancing their long-term potential.
This paper's contribution is mostly evident in the following three areas:First, this paper broadens the research paradigm related to the practical effect of intelligent manufacturing. Research on intelligent manufacturing lacks both a theoretical model and an empirical test. Based on the quasi-natural experiment of China's intelligent manufacturing demonstration project, this paper establishes a link between technology promotion and enterprise innovation and supplements and enriches research on the economic effects of intelligent manufacturing.
Second, this paper enriches the literature on the factors that affect enterprise innovation. There are abundant studies on the factors influencing enterprise innovation, but few that examine the impact of the combination of informatization and industrialization on innovation behavior from the standpoint of information technology development. Against the backdrop of worldwide initiatives to promote intelligent manufacturing, it is crucial to investigate this topic.
Finally, this paper offers guidance for and practical insight into the implementation and development of intelligent manufacturing. This paper examines the effects of the promotion and characteristics of intelligent manufacturing on the influencing mechanism and regulating factors of enterprise innovation. The results have practical implications for promoting China's national policy on intelligent manufacturing and the transformation and upgrading of enterprises.
Keywords:  Intelligent Manufacturing    Firm Innovation    Asset Structure    Labor Structure    Financing Constraints
JEL分类号:  D22   L60   O03  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家社会科学基金重大项目(17ZDA087)的资助,感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  李 闯,博士研究生,上海财经大学会计学院,   
作者简介:  尹洪英,管理学博士,副教授,苏州大学商学院,
尹洪英, 李闯. 智能制造赋能企业创新了吗?——基于中国智能制造试点项目的准自然试验[J]. 金融研究, 2022, 508(10): 98-116.
YIN Hongying, LI Chuang. Can Intelligent Manufacturing Empower Enterprise Innovation? A Quasi-Natural Experiment Based on China's Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Project. Journal of Financial Research, 2022, 508(10): 98-116.
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