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金融研究  2017, Vol. 445 Issue (7): 192-206    DOI: 10.12094/1002-7246(2017)07-0192-15
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游家兴, 周瑜婷, 肖珉
厦门大学管理学院,福建厦门 361005
Keynesian Beauty Contest and Analysts' Earnings Forecasts Biases:Based on the Research Perspective of Higher-order Expectations
YOU Jiaxing, ZHOU Yuting, XIAO Min
School of Management,Xiamen University
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摘要 现实中,分析师一方面难以坚持已见,往往随行就市改变自己之前给出的预测数字,即所谓的“变脸行为”;另一方面常常盲从因袭,呈现出明显的羊群特征。本文在凯恩斯经典的选美竞赛理论框架下对此展开讨论,提供有别于已有研究的新解释,以期拓展我们对分析师预测偏差行为根源的认识。基于2004-2010年中国A股上市公司的数据,本文研究发现:(1)分析师行为存在选美竞赛现象,他们在预测时会倚重于市场上其他参与者的平均看法(高阶预期),而这也导致了变脸行为的发生;(2)分析师选美竞赛效应与其预测趋同行为密切相关,即分析师越倚重于高阶预期,其做出勇敢预测的可能性越小,羊群特征也越明显;(3)与一般分析师相比,明星分析师对高阶预期的依赖程度有所减轻,表现出的选美竞赛效应和羊群行为特征都有所减弱。
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关键词:  选美竞赛  分析师预测偏差  高阶预期    
Abstract:  Under the theoretical framework of Keynesian beauty contest, this paper provides some new explanations for the dual characteristics of analysts, i.e., “changed face” phenomena and herding behavior, and expands a new understanding of the source of analysts' earnings forecasts biases. The evidence based on China indicates that analysts rely heavily on the average opinion of other participants, i.e. higher-order expectations, demonstrating that Keynesian beauty contest phenomena also exist in security analyst industry. The results also show that the effect of beauty contest is strongly associated with the herding behavior of analysts. The further evidence indicates that the star analysts depend less on high order expectations and presents less herding behavior due to the effect of beauty contest.
Key words:  Keynesian Beauty Contest    Earnings Forecasts Biases    Higher-order Expectations
JEL分类号:  G14   G24   G29  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:71472161、71232005、71672158和71402155)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(编号:20720140014 和20720151180)。
作者简介:  游家兴,财务学博士,厦门大学管理学院教授,Email∶周瑜婷,财务学硕士,深圳市机场卓怿商务发展有限公司,Email∶肖 珉(通讯作者),财务学博士,厦门大学管理学院教授,Email∶
游家兴, 周瑜婷, 肖珉. 凯恩斯选美竞赛与分析师预测偏差行为——基于高阶预期的研究视角[J]. 金融研究, 2017, 445(7): 192-206.
YOU Jiaxing, ZHOU Yuting, XIAO Min. Keynesian Beauty Contest and Analysts' Earnings Forecasts Biases:Based on the Research Perspective of Higher-order Expectations. Journal of Financial Research, 2017, 445(7): 192-206.
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