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金融研究  2017, Vol. 442 Issue (4): 78-94    DOI: 10.12094/1002-7246(2017)04-0078-17
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金鹏辉, 王营, 张立光
中国人民银行济南分行,山东济南 250021
Financial Friction and Leverage Governance in Perspective of Maintaining Stable Growth
JIN Penghui, WANG Ying, ZHANG Liguang
Jinan Branch,the Peoples’ Bank of China
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摘要 本文研究了既定增长目标下金融摩擦与杠杆治理的关系,比较分析了不同金融摩擦情景下,民营企业和国有企业投资、产出和杠杆率的变动,及全社会产出和杠杆率的变动。研究发现,既定增长目标下,减少政府隐性担保、提高直接融资便利以及稳定间接融资便利是实现稳增长和降杠杆双重目标的有效工具组合;以非吸储类放贷组织为代表的民间融资当前处于相对便利程度,其发展的关键在于规范化和阳光化。因此,弱化政府对国有企业的隐性担保,应成为提高资源配置效率、降低全社会杠杆率的主攻方向。
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关键词:  金融摩擦  杠杆治理  稳增长  隐性担保    
Abstract:  Under the condition of maintaining stable growth, this paper has explored the relationship between financial friction and leverage governance, and analyzed effects of financial friction in different situations on changes of investments, outputs and leverage of non-state-owned companies, state-owned companies and whole society. We find that, under the condition of maintaining stable growth, reducing implicit guarantee, improving direct financing facilitations and stabling indirect financing facilitations are efficient policy combinations for achieving steady growth and deleveraging; meanwhile, informal financing facilitations which have been represented for non-deposit-taking lending organizations have been on a relatively appropriate level, so normalization and transparent are keys to developing informal finance. Weakening implicit guarantee should become the major direction of enhancing resource allocation efficiency and deleveraging.
Key words:  Financial Friction    Leverage Governance    Maintaining Stable Growth    Implicit Guarantee
JEL分类号:  E44   G21   O4  
作者简介:  金鹏辉,经济学博士,副研究员,中国人民银行济南分行。王营(通讯作者),经济学博士,中国人民银行济南分行,张立光,经济学博士,高级经济师,中国人民银行济南分行,
金鹏辉, 王营, 张立光. 稳增长条件下的金融摩擦与杠杆治理[J]. 金融研究, 2017, 442(4): 78-94.
JIN Penghui, WANG Ying, ZHANG Liguang. Financial Friction and Leverage Governance in Perspective of Maintaining Stable Growth. Journal of Financial Research, 2017, 442(4): 78-94.
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