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金融研究  2021, Vol. 491 Issue (5): 20-39    
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吕冰洋, 陈志刚
中国人民大学财政金融学院,北京 100872;
深圳大学经济学院,广东深圳 518060
Intergovernmental Revenue Sharing and Fiscal Budget Revenue Deviation
LV Bingyang, CHEN Zhigang
School of Finance, Renmin University;
College of Economics, Shenzhen University
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摘要 降低收入决算和预算之间的偏离程度是现代预算制度的基本要求,长期以来,中国政府的收入预算偏离一直处于高位运行状态。本文研究了政府间财政收入分成对收入预算偏离的影响。理论上,财政收入分成的上升会对下级政府产生减小财政压力和加大财政扩张两种截然相反的影响,前者会减少政府的收入预算偏离,而后者则会扩大收入预算偏离。运用市县层面加总的预决算数据,实证分析较为稳健地支持了财政压力机制:财政收入分成降低1个百分点,收入预算偏离会增加0.3个百分点。进一步分析表明,收入分成对预算偏离的影响相比市县级,在省本级层面不显著,并且其对预算偏离的影响会随着经济发展水平的上升而降低。本文研究的现实意义是,政府间收入划分的改革方案要兼顾长期稳定性与财力支持性,这对于降低收入预算偏离、推进现代预算制度建设和国家治理现代化具有重要作用。
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关键词:  财政收入预算偏离  政府间收入分成  财政压力  财政扩张    
Summary:  Budget deviation is defined as the difference between the government's budgeted and final account values. Since the reform of the national tax sharing system, the Chinese government has experienced large budget deviations. Although greater budget deviations are generally seen in low-income countries compared with high-income countries, China's provinces reported average budget deviations as high as 9.38% from 2000 to 2014. This rate is not only much higher than those in developed countries but is also much higher than the rates reported in many developing countries. As a budget is a plan for revenues and expenditures, a gap between the budgeted values and final accounts is expected. However, if the gap is too large, it causes a series of problems. If excessive budget deviations persist, government budgets may be considered unreliable and nonauthoritative, and modern budget and fiscal systems could be challenged. These negative outcomes could greatly alter the effects of fiscal regulation on the economy. Therefore, it is important to understand the causes of revenue budget deviation and develop targeted measures to establish a modern budget system, improve the performance of fiscal management activities and even promote the modernization of national governance.
Although the literature discusses the causes of budget deviations from the aspects of technology, economy and system, few studies focus on the impact of intergovernmental fiscal relations. Accordingly, this paper systematically analyzes the impact of intergovernmental revenue sharing on revenue budget deviation. First, it analyzes the institutional background of revenue sharing and budget management. On this basis, a simple static model is constructed and analyzed, revealing that against the background of the sharing method used widely by China's intergovernmental revenue division, a change in intergovernmental revenue sharing would have two opposite effects on budget deviation: fiscal pressure and fiscal expansion. The fiscal pressure mechanism means that the local government will face increased fiscal pressure as the ratio of shared fiscal revenue decreases. To alleviate this fiscal pressure, the local government must strengthen tax collection and management or vigorously develop its economy to increase its final revenue. This eventually leads to an increase in revenue budget deviation. The fiscal expansion mechanism means that the degree of tax effort decreases as the share of fiscal revenue decreases, resulting in a decrease in the final fiscal revenue. This eventually leads to a decrease in revenue budget deviation.
Using the manually collected budget reports of provinces at the People's Congress, this paper collates the budgetary and final account data of 30 Chinese provinces from 2000 to 2013. Specifically, this paper considers the subprovincial governments as a whole and empirically analyzes the impact of revenue sharing on revenue budget deviation using a two-way fixed effect model. The results support the fiscal pressure mechanism: as the ratio of fiscal revenue sharing decreases by 1 percentage point, the revenue budget deviation increases by 0.3 percentage points. Further analysis shows that the impact of revenue sharing on budget deviation is not significant at the provincial level and decreases as the economic development level increases. This result holds through a full battery of robustness checks, which include changing the method of measuring revenue budget deviation and considering the effects of transfer payment and endogeneity, the influence of budget deviation in the previous period and the spatial influences of variables.
This paper makes several main contributions. First, research on budget deviation is limited by the available data. Previous studies suffer from a lack of in-depth data or inadequate data acquisition. This paper uses subprovincial budget deviation data collected from the budget report of the Provincial People's Congress. Second, the literature mainly discusses the influences on budget deviation at a theoretical level and therefore lacks in-depth analysis of specific factors and corresponding empirical testing. This paper systematically explores and tests both the theoretical and empirical aspects of the influence of fiscal revenue sharing on revenue budget deviation. Finally, most studies have explored either fiscal pressure or fiscal expansion as the outcome effect of a change of fiscal revenue sharing on local government behavior. This paper considers both effects, which oppose each other, on budget deviation.
Keywords:  Fiscal Revenue Budget Deviation    Intergovernmental Revenue Sharing    Fiscal Pressure    Fiscal Expansion
JEL分类号:  H61   H71   H77  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家自然科学基金面上项目“政府间税收分成对地方政府行为和经济增长的影响研究”(项目编号:71673278)和广东省哲学社会科学规划青年项目(GD19YYJ12)的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  陈志刚,经济学博士,助理教授,深圳大学经济学院,   
作者简介:  吕冰洋,经济学博士,教授,中国人民大学财政金融学院,
吕冰洋, 陈志刚. 政府间收入分成与财政收入预算偏离[J]. 金融研究, 2021, 491(5): 20-39.
LV Bingyang, CHEN Zhigang. Intergovernmental Revenue Sharing and Fiscal Budget Revenue Deviation. Journal of Financial Research, 2021, 491(5): 20-39.
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