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金融研究  2017, Vol. 440 Issue (2): 101-116    DOI: 10.12094/1002-7246(2017)02-0101-16
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孟庆斌, 荣晨
中国人民大学商学院,北京 100872
国家发改委市场与价格研究所,北京 100038
On Real Estate Price Bubbles of China: An Empirical Study Based on Markov Switching Mode
lMENG Qingbin, RONG Chen
School of Business, Renmin University of China
Institute of Market Economy and Competition Policy Research, NDRC)
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摘要 本文利用马氏域变模型,对我国房地产价格泡沫进行了研究。本文首先从资产泡沫间接度量角度出发,参考前人研究建立理论模型,确定了房地产的基础价格;然后,采用协整分析方法从房地产实际价格中剔除基础价格,并利用马氏域变模型对残差部分进行分析,对我国房价泡沫进行了检验和度量;最后,对我国房价泡沫产生的背景及原因进行了解释,并提出相应的政策建议。研究发现,我国房地产价格泡沫状态主要集中于四个阶段:一是2003年到2004年第一季度,由我国住房货币化改革催生;二是2007年第二季度到2008年上半年,为第一阶段的延续,并由该阶段经济快速增长催生;三是从2009年初到2010年底,源于金融危机期间采取的宽松货币政策以及鼓励购房政策;四是2013年全年,源于2012货币政策的预调微调;五是2015年到2016年,更多的体现为经济“换挡期”过程中的结构性行情。
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关键词:  房地产调控  马氏域变模型  价格泡沫    
Abstract:  This paper tests and measures the real estate price bubble by the Markov Regime Switching model. Firstly, from the perspective of indirect measurement, theoretical models are built to determine the basic price of real estate. Secondly, the basic price of the real estate is taken away from its market price by employ the cointegration method, and with Markov Regime Switching model, the real estate price bubbles are tested and measured. Finally, the economic background and the reason of the real estate price bubble are interpreted, and relevant policy recommendations are put forward. The empirical results of this paper show that, real estate price bubbles in China are mainly concentrated in four phases during 2003-Oct. 2016. The first phase, which is from the first season of 2003 to the first season of 2004, is caused by the housing monetization reform. The second is from the second season of 2007 to the second season of 2008, which is the extension of the second phase, and spawned by the rapid economic growth. The third, which is from the first season of 2009 to the end of 2010, is originated from the huge currency issued by central bank, and the reaffirmation that real estate industry is a pillar industry of the national economy. The fourth is from the first season to the fourth season of 2013, and is caused by the adjustment of monetary policy aim to stabilize the growth of economy. The last is from year 2015 to 2016, and mainly shows the structural characteristic in economic shift period.
Key words:  Regulation of the Real Estate Sector    Markov Regime Switching Model    Real Estate Price Bubbles
JEL分类号:  R31   E31   C51  
基金资助: 中国人民大学科研基金(2015030083)
作者简介:  孟庆斌,通讯作者,经济学博士,副教授,中国人民大学商学院,荣晨,助理研究员,国家发改委市场与价格研究所,
孟庆斌, 荣晨. 中国房地产价格泡沫研究——基于马氏域变模型的实证分析[J]. 金融研究, 2017, 440(2): 101-116.
lMENG Qingbin, RONG Chen. On Real Estate Price Bubbles of China: An Empirical Study Based on Markov Switching Mode. Journal of Financial Research, 2017, 440(2): 101-116.
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