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金融研究  2024, Vol. 526 Issue (4): 151-168    
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姚健, 臧旭恒, 周博文
山东大学经济学院,山东济南 250100
Social Networks and Household Financial Vulnerability in China
YAO Jian, ZANG Xuheng, ZHOU Bowen
School of Economics, Shandong University
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摘要 家庭金融脆弱性是家庭金融风险的先行性指标。本文采用中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)面板数据,考察社会网络对家庭金融脆弱性的影响及其作用机制。研究发现,社会网络显著降低了家庭金融脆弱性,对于物质资本和人力资本相对不足的家庭而言,这种作用更为明显。机制分析表明,社会网络有助于缓解流动性约束、促进风险分担和增进信息传递,进而降低家庭金融脆弱性。此外,社会网络在降低家庭金融脆弱性方面发挥了与正规金融制度互补的作用。本文的研究,为理解社会资本在应对家庭金融风险中的作用提供了微观证据,丰富了家庭金融相关文献,为提升家庭应对金融风险能力、强化金融体系稳定性提供了有益参考。
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关键词:  社会网络  家庭金融脆弱性  家庭金融风险    
Summary:  Effectively preventing and resolving economic and financial risks is one of the major issues of current economic work in China. Among them, household financial risks are an important component. Analyzing the household financial vulnerability is an important point for studying how to prevent and resolve household financial risks. Therefore, exploring effective ways to reduce household financial vulnerability is particularly important. Concurrently, the role of social networks as informal institutions in the economy and society has always been a hot topic in social science research. Especially for developing countries like China, social networks have a significant impact on people's economic behavior and daily life. Does social network relationship affect household financial vulnerability? If there is a significant impact, what is the specific mechanism? Is there heterogeneity due to differences in other factors? These questions are worth exploring in depth.
This paper uses data from the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) in 2017 and 2019 to examine the impact and mechanism of social networks on household financial vulnerability. The research conclusion is as follows: Firstly, social networks significantly reduce household financial vulnerability. This conclusion still holds after a series of robustness tests, such as overcoming endogeneity, replacing independent variables and dependent variables, replacing instrumental variables, and replacing samples. Secondly, the mechanism by which social networks affect household financial vulnerability is mainly reflected in three aspects: alleviating liquidity constraints, playing a role in risk sharing, and promoting information transmission. Thirdly, social networks have a more significant impact on the financial vulnerability of rural, low-income, low net assets, elderly, low education levels, and risk-averse households. These households have relatively scarce material or human capital. It can be seen that social networks have inclusive characteristics for the healthy and sustainable development of family economy. Fourthly, social networks, as an informal institution, play a complementary role with formal finance in reducing household financial vulnerability.
This paper provides the following insights. Firstly, it is necessary to pay further attention to preventing and resolving household financial risks. Social networks are one of the effective ways to reduce household financial vulnerability. Policy makers can encourage the construction of social networks and better reflect the positive role of social networks. Secondly, to leverage the complementary effects of informal social networks and formal institutions for different groups, and jointly build a household financial safety net. Thirdly, increasing household income and asset levels through multiple channels, constructing a multi-level social security system, and improving credit and insurance markets can help enhance households' risk tolerance. This paper provides experience for other countries, especially developing countries, to pay attention to and reduce household financial vulnerability.
The main contributions of this paper are in three aspects. Firstly, we use the Extended Linear Expenditure System (ELES) to measure household basic living expenses and calibrate existing financial margin indicators to more accurately measure household financial vulnerability. Secondly, we analyze effective ways to address household financial vulnerability from the perspective of social networks. This provides micro evidence for understanding the role of social capital in addressing household financial risks. This not only enriches the relevant research on household finance, but also provides useful insights for improving the ability of households to cope with financial risks. Thirdly, we systematically identify the mechanisms by which social networks reduce household financial vulnerability in terms of alleviating liquidity constraints, sharing risks, and enhancing information transmission. Finally, we explore the different impacts of heterogeneity in urban and rural areas, household characteristics, and head of household characteristics. This provides a reference basis for preventing and resolving household financial risks, improving the stability of the financial system, and helping to safeguard and improve people's livelihoods, continuously enhancing their well-being.
Keywords:  Social Networks    Household Financial Vulnerability    Household Financial Risk
JEL分类号:  D14   G20   Z13  
基金资助: *本文感谢国家社会科学基金重大项目(21&ZD088)和国家资助博士后研究人员计划(GZC20231493)的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  周博文,博士研究生,山东大学经济学院,   
作者简介:  姚 健,经济学博士,博士后,山东大学经济学院,
姚健, 臧旭恒, 周博文. 社会网络与中国家庭金融脆弱性[J]. 金融研究, 2024, 526(4): 151-168.
YAO Jian, ZANG Xuheng, ZHOU Bowen. Social Networks and Household Financial Vulnerability in China. Journal of Financial Research, 2024, 526(4): 151-168.
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