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金融研究  2023, Vol. 516 Issue (6): 75-93    
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中国出口产品质量、汇率传递与出口定价能力 ——基于出口目的国收入分布视角
曾利飞, 蒋凯, 曹伟
浙江工商大学金融学院,浙江杭州 310018;
杭州银行湖州分行,浙江湖州 313000;
浙江工商大学金融学院,浙江杭州 310018
Quality of Chinese Exported Products, Exchange Rate Pass-Through, and Export Pricing Capability: From the Perspective of Income Distribution in Export Destination Countries
ZENG Lifei, JIANG Kai, CAO Wei
School of Finance, Zhejiang Gongshang University;
Huzhou Branch of Hangzhou Bank
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摘要 基于推进对外贸易高质量发展的背景,本文将目的国收入分布(收入水平和收入不平等)、产品质量以及汇率纳入统一的理论框架来分析出口汇率传递效应和企业的出口定价能力,并运用中国出口至160个国家和地区的5209种商品数据进行实证分析。研究发现:(1)中国出口企业倾向于采取“按市定质”策略,即向人均收入水平高、基尼系数低的国家和地区提供质量更高的产品。(2)出口企业的“按市定质”策略影响“按市定价”策略,目的国收入分布通过产品质量影响汇率传递效应,中国产品的出口定价能力在人均收入低且基尼系数高的国家更高。(3)目的国收入分布同时可调节产品质量对汇率传递的影响大小。因此,提高出口产品质量、实现出口目的国多元化对推进中国对外贸易高质量发展具有十分重要的意义。
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关键词:  出口产品质量  汇率传递  出口定价能力  收入分布    
Summary:  The export pricing capability of a company is a key indicator of its product competitiveness. In 2019, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council detailed four measures in their “Guiding Opinions on Promoting High-Quality Trade Development”: strengthening the industrial foundation for trade, enhancing trade innovation capabilities, improving product quality, and accelerating brand cultivation. These measures were aimed at shifting Chinese export companies from relying solely on cost advantages to competing on quality and structural advantages. In this context, studying the impact of export product quality on exchange rate pass-through can provide valuable policy guidance for Chinese export companies, so they can better manage exchange rate risks, enhance their product pricing capabilities, and promote the high-quality development of foreign trade.
In this paper we address several questions. First, will Chinese export companies adopt a “quality according to market” strategy, whereby they adjust product quality based on the income distribution of the destination country? Second, how does this approach to quality affect enterprise pricing and, in turn, exchange rate pass-through effects? Third, what role does the income distribution of export destination countries play in the impact of product quality on exchange rate pass-through effects? Finally, are there differences in the pricing capabilities of Chinese export companies across different countries? These questions are important for understanding the evolving landscape of China's foreign trade and for providing policy guidance to export companies as they navigate market fluctuations and changing consumer preferences. The research findings provide several key insights. First, Chinese export companies do tend to adopt a “quality according to market” strategy, by supplying higher-quality products to countries and regions with higher per capita income and lower Gini coefficients. Second, this strategy affects the “price according to market” strategy, and the income distribution in destination countries influences the exchange rate pass-through effect through product quality. Notably, Chinese export companies exhibit greater pricing ability in countries with low per capita income and high Gini coefficients. Finally, the study highlights the importance of improving product quality and diversifying export destinations to promote high-quality development in China's foreign trade.
This paper makes several potential contributions. First, we incorporate income distribution structures into heterogeneous consumer preferences using the Brambilla and Porto (2016) model. The optimal strategies for export companies to implement “quality according to market” or “price according to market” are analyzed when enterprise profits are maximized. Two mechanisms are proposed for the impact of income distribution on exchange rate pass-through effects: through the average quality preference of consumers, which affects enterprise export product quality and thus affects exchange rate pass-through effects, and by regulating the impact of product quality on exchange rate pass-through effects. Second, the influence of income distribution on product quality and exchange rate pass-through effects is examined from the perspectives of income level and income inequality. Third, we calculate the quality of Chinese products at the export company level and destination country consumer level. Our empirical research reveals that product quality from the consumer's perspective has more influence on enterprise product pricing.
We offer the following policy implications. First, Chinese export enterprises should continue to implement diversification measures for export destination countries, particularly to increase export trade to countries along the “Belt and Road” route (most of which are low-income countries). Policy authorities should therefore take the opportunity to “escort” Chinese enterprises to implement diversified measures for export destination countries, particularly in terms of formulating relevant export trade policies to eliminate any concerns of export enterprises. Second, Chinese exporters should continue to improve the quality of their products. “High-quality” is the best weapon Chinese enterprises can employ to deal with the impact of RMB exchange rate changes on export prices, and it is also the most effective approach for Chinese products entering developed markets. Third, our study provides a theoretical basis for implementing the common prosperity policy in China. China's income inequality has currently exceeded the World Bank line, and China has long imported luxury goods at prices much higher than in European countries. China's income inequality is likely to fall with the implementation of the common prosperity policy, making it more likely that China will import cheaper foreign high-quality products to enhance the overall welfare level.
Keywords:  Export Product Quality    Exchange Rate Pass-through    Export Pricing Capability    Income Distribution
JEL分类号:  D31   D40   F31  
基金资助: * 本文得到教育部人文社会科学基金一般项目(18YJA790008)、浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(LZ22G030003)和浙江省哲学社会科学规划之江青年理论与调研专项课题(22ZJQN23YB)的资助。作者感谢匿名审稿专家提供的建设性意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  曹 伟,经济学博士,教授,浙江工商大学金融学院,   
作者简介:  曾利飞,管理学博士,副教授,浙江工商大学金融学院,蒋 凯,金融学硕士,杭州银行股份有限公司湖州分行,
曾利飞, 蒋凯, 曹伟. 中国出口产品质量、汇率传递与出口定价能力 ——基于出口目的国收入分布视角[J]. 金融研究, 2023, 516(6): 75-93.
ZENG Lifei, JIANG Kai, CAO Wei. Quality of Chinese Exported Products, Exchange Rate Pass-Through, and Export Pricing Capability: From the Perspective of Income Distribution in Export Destination Countries. Journal of Financial Research, 2023, 516(6): 75-93.
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