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金融研究  2023, Vol. 516 Issue (6): 57-74    
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方意, 刘江龙
中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院,北京 100872;
复旦大学管理学院,上海 200433
Bank Interconnectedness and Systemic Risk: Contagion or Sharing?
FANG Yi, LIU Jianglong
National Academy of Development and Strategy, Renmin University of China;
School of Management, Fudan University
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摘要 银行通过持有共同的盯市资产在彼此间形成关联性,在遭遇负向冲击时,银行的资产抛售行为沿着这种关联性构成的网络传染,进而产生系统性金融风险。本文基于关联网络模型的理论分析和我国上市银行数据的实证分析发现,这一关联网络具有“稳健而脆弱”的特征:一方面,关联性具有风险传染效应,导致系统性风险升高;另一方面,关联性具有风险分担效应,通过抑制银行自身所受冲击来降低系统性风险。这种风险分担效应在银行盯市资产集中度高且遭遇大冲击时表现明显。小银行和资本不足的银行具有更强的风险传染效应,大银行与地理分散程度高的银行具有更强的风险分担效应。本文对监管当局在防范系统性风险时如何处理关联网络在稳健性与脆弱性之间的权衡,有一定的借鉴价值。
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关键词:  关联性  系统性金融风险  银行  风险传染  风险分担    
Summary:  Banks' common holding of mark-to-market assets can lead to their interconnectedness, and a negative shock-induced fire sale can give rise to risk contagion among such a network of banks, which is a main driver of systemic risk. We investigate how such interconnectedness drives systemic risk by using a theoretical network model and conducting an empirical analysis based on a sample of Chinese listed commercial banks.
We find that the network is robust yet fragile. In our model, high interconnectedness among banks is equivalent to a high level of common risk exposure to the same asset class, and thus contributes more to systemic risk. We define this as the “risk contagion” effect of interconnectedness, which implies that the network is fragile. A high level of interconnectedness can also reduce banks' fire sales, as each bank holds each asset more lightly and thus will suffer fewer losses in a period of distress. Higher interconnectedness can therefore alleviate systemic risk by reducing the initial shocks received by each bank. We define this as the “risk sharing” effect of interconnectedness, which indicates that the network is robust. We also confirm that this risk sharing effect is only significant when a bank's mark-to-market asset portfolio is highly concentrated (a high HHI index), and when it faces large shocks. In contrast, if the portfolio is well diversified or the shock is small, the benefits of risk sharing will be weak, and then the risk contagion effect will dominate.
Our empirical analysis provides further evidence in support of these theories. We collect data and our sample of commercial banks from WIND and the banks' financial report footnotes. For the baseline fixed-effects regression, we find a one standard deviation increase in interconnectedness leads to a 2.6% increase in systemic risk, indicating an overall risk contagion effect. In addition, when a bank's portfolio is highly concentrated and faces large shocks, the magnitude becomes-1.7%, indicating a risk sharing effect. We then use the amount of bond issuance as an instrumental variable for interconnectedness and regard the implementation of a new financial instrument (i.e., accounting rules) in China as a natural experiment, to confirm the causality of the relationship between interconnectedness and systemic risk. Both identification methodologies provide strong causal evidence. In addition, we find that interconnectedness reduces initial shocks when these shocks are large and banks' HHI indices are high, which is consistent with the prediction of the theoretical model. Finally, risk contagion is more pronounced for small and capital-insufficient banks, and risk sharing is more pronounced for large and more geographically diversified banks.
Several meaningful implications for regulators can be drawn from our findings. First, any macroprudential regulation should take common holding interconnectedness into consideration. Our finding that sharing occurs under specific criteria can be helpful when facing a trade-off between the “robustness” and “fragility” of a financial network. Second, regulators can implement flexible policies such as open market operations to encourage banks to adjust their connectedness contingent on the level and concentration of shocks. Finally, to initially deter risk contagion, banks should improve their risk management and regulators can extend their security and currency market span while providing supplementary capital channels to strengthen the banks' anti-risk capabilities.
This paper contributes to three strands of literature. First, we document the “robust yet fragile” feature of the indirect common holding network. Other studies examine either the robustness and fragility of direct interbank lending networks or the fragility of indirect networks, but the robustness of the latter is underexplored. We fill this research gap from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. We also identify the specific condition required for the risk sharing effect (robustness), which can inform the implementation of regulations. Second, we contribute to studies of asset fire sales in the financial market and common holdings by institutional investors. Numerous studies attribute fire sales to institutional investors putting pressure on asset prices and liquidity, thus generating systemic financial risk. However, few studies focus on how to tackle fire sales. We address this question by identifying the risk sharing effect of interconnectedness. Finally, our findings provide further evidence for how fair value accounting affects systemic risk, by examining the impact of a new accounting rule first implemented in China in 2018. This evidence contributes to the debate concerning the procyclicality of fair value accounting and its contribution to systemic risk.
Keywords:  Interconnectedness    Systemic Risk    Bank    Risk Contagion    Risk Sharing
JEL分类号:  G21   G28   G32  
基金资助: * 本文获国家自然科学基金项目(71973162;72173144)的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见。感谢中央财经大学金融学院夏聪助理教授、华南理工大学经济与金融学院邓可斌教授等提供的建议,文责自负。
通讯作者:  刘江龙,博士研究生,复旦大学管理学院,   
作者简介:  方 意,教授,中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院,
方意, 刘江龙. 银行关联性与系统性金融风险:传染还是分担?[J]. 金融研究, 2023, 516(6): 57-74.
FANG Yi, LIU Jianglong. Bank Interconnectedness and Systemic Risk: Contagion or Sharing?. Journal of Financial Research, 2023, 516(6): 57-74.
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