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金融研究  2023, Vol. 514 Issue (4): 1-18    
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翟光宇, 王超, 姜美君
东北财经大学金融学院,辽宁大连 116025;
大连理工大学经济管理学院,辽宁大连 116024
Population Aging and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy and Transmission Channels
ZHAI Guangyu, WANG Chao, JIANG Meijun
School of Finance, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics;
School of Economics and Management, Dalian University of Technology
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摘要 我国已步入老龄化社会,人口年龄结构变化对宏观经济环境和经济政策将产生深远影响。在此背景下,研究人口老龄化对货币政策效果的影响机制具有重要理论价值和现实意义。本文在理论分析的基础上,首先选取1990—2021年中国宏观时间序列数据,使用SVAR基准模型和IVAR拓展模型对人口年龄结构影响货币政策的总体效果进行实证分析,进而选取中国1994—2020年30个样本省市自治区的面板数据,将老年抚养比引入货币政策效果方程。时间序列和面板数据的实证结果均发现,人口老龄化削弱了数量型和价格型货币政策的有效性,同时面板数据证明了人口年龄结构是货币政策效果区域异质性产生的原因之一。最后本文进一步探索人口老龄化削弱货币政策效果的具体渠道,通过对沪深交易所部分A股上市公司和上市商业银行微观数据进行分析,发现人口老龄化可通过信贷渠道和利率渠道削弱货币政策效果。本文结论提示,在制定和执行货币政策时,有必要考虑人口因素。
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关键词:  人口老龄化  货币政策  传导渠道    
Summary:  During the 1990s, the United States experienced a period of stable economic growth and moderate inflation, which was once considered a huge success in monetary policy. Likewise, China achieved an excellent economic growth rate from 2000 to 2010. Although economies worldwide were affected by the global subprime crisis, they successfully emerged from a V-shaped reversal in 2009, which also highlighted the effectiveness of monetary policy adjustments. After 2010, however, Europe and Japan began to implement unconventional monetary policy measures. While negative interest rates began to appear, the economic growth since then is still not optimistic. China has moderately eased its monetary policy many times since 2014, but its economic growth rate has been L-shaped. From the perspective of China and advanced economies, monetary policies have been relatively effective or even ineffective rather than effective. This paper explores why the effect of monetary policy varies so dramatically in different periods.
In this paper, we argue that more attention should be paid to the relationship between population aging and the effect of monetary policy. As the population ages, the supply of labor is weakened and the aggregate supply curve is relatively steep. Due to the elderly population's low demand, the effectiveness of the expansionary monetary policy to drive aggregate demand is relatively weakened, which will lead to a higher price level. In addition, it is necessary to further examine the regional effect of monetary policy from the perspective of population aging. Due to regional characteristics and labor mobility, the age structure in provinces and cities has formed a regional imbalance. In addition, the response of economic activities to monetary policy changes also shows heterogeneity. This paper studies the channel through which the aging Chinese population affects the effects of monetary policy at the micro level. On the one hand, the aging population will reduce interest rates and the demand for social investments and social interest rate sensitivity. On the other hand, older people have a lower demand for goods with high dependence on loans, such as housing and durable goods, which leads to the lower demand for credit and lower external financing premiums. When the proportion of the older population is relatively large, it may lead to a decrease in the social demand for bank loans and hence a decrease in the sensitivity to bank credit.
Using a macro time series data set for China from 1990 to 2021, this paper first investigates the effect of population age structure on monetary policy based on the SVAR benchmark model and IVAR expansion model. The 1994-2020 panel data for 30 provinces in China are then used to explain the impact of the relationship between the regional heterogeneity effects of China's monetary policy on population aging. Finally, the channel through which population aging weakens the effect of monetary policy is explored using micro data for A-share listed companies and commercial banks.
The main conclusions are as follows. First, the results for both time series and panel data show that population aging weakens the effectiveness of quantitative-and price-based monetary policies. Second, the panel data results indicate that the demographic age structure is one of the reasons for the regional heterogeneity effects of monetary policy. Finally, the micro data for listed companies and commercial banks show that the aging population weakened interest rates and credit channels for monetary policy.
This paper contributes to the literature in the following three aspects. First, in terms of the aging population and the effect of monetary policy, this paper focuses on China and empirically analyses the effect of monetary policies on economic growth and inflation from both quantitative and price perspectives. In addition, we use the IVAR methodology to improve the “two-step” method. Second, in terms of the regional heterogeneity effects of monetary policy, population aging is considered as an explanation. Finally, in terms of the transmission channel of the monetary policy effect affected by an aging population, this paper empirically investigates the influence of demographic age structure changes on interest rate and credit channels at the micro level.
Keywords:  Population Aging    Monetary Policy    Transmission Channels
JEL分类号:  J14   E51   E52  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家自然科学基金(72103033)、教育部人文社会科学研究项目(21YJC790154)、辽宁省社科规划基金项目(L20BJY029)、2021年度辽宁省普通高等教育本科教学改革研究项目“高等教育新时代财经院校教师教学评价改革的实践——基于本科学生评教指标优化的研究”、东北财经大学2022年度提升社会服务能力建设项目(SF-Y202209)的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
作者简介:  翟光宇,经济学博士,教授,东北财经大学金融学院,
王 超,经济学硕士,东北财经大学金融学院,
翟光宇, 王超, 姜美君. 人口老龄化、货币政策效果及传导渠道[J]. 金融研究, 2023, 514(4): 1-18.
ZHAI Guangyu, WANG Chao, JIANG Meijun. Population Aging and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy and Transmission Channels. Journal of Financial Research, 2023, 514(4): 1-18.
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