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金融研究  2022, Vol. 508 Issue (10): 135-152    
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曹春方, 马新啸
中山大学管理学院/现代会计与财务研究中心,广东广州 510275;
中国海洋大学管理学院/中国企业营运资金管理研究中心,山东青岛 266100
Tale of Two Cities in the Era of High-speed Rail: The Siphon Effect of Employee Mobility in Emerging Industry
CAO Chunfang, MA Xinxiao
School of Business/Center for Accounting, Finance and Institutions, Sun Yat-Sen University;
Management College/China Business Working Capital Management Research Center, Ocean University of China
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摘要 中心城市引领城市群发展是当前中国区域协调发展战略的关键路径,如何实现城市群内部的产业分工完善和人才市场化配置是构建新发展格局的重要内容。本文以高铁开通为冲击,研究不同规模城市中新兴产业公司雇员流动的虹吸效应。研究发现:高铁开通之后,新兴产业公司的雇员流动因城市大小出现分化,新兴产业公司在大城市更容易获得雇员,而在小城市则更难,表明新兴产业的雇员流动在高铁开通后存在城市群内更为市场化配置的虹吸效应;进一步研究发现,小城市的雇员流出源自高铁开通后更容易获得大城市的就业机会和缓解其高房价压力,但并不受大城市高工资影响;虹吸效应存在空间限制,主要存在于距离大城市2小时高铁圈的小城市内。本文表明以高铁连通为典型的城市群一体化进程对不同规模城市的新兴产业成长具有差异化影响,这不仅对产业分工和劳动力流动的相关研究作出补充,也对因地制宜推进区域间协调发展提供了参考。
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关键词:  高铁开通  城市群  新兴产业  雇员流动  虹吸效应    
Summary:  The development of urban agglomerations led by central cities is the key to China's regional coordinated development strategy in the new era. Emerging industries are an important guiding force in supply-side structural reform and economic and social development. How to realize the full allocation of talents in emerging industries within the urban agglomeration has therefore become the core content of building a new development pattern. Studies have shown that factors such as wages, personal growth opportunities, and housing prices affect employee mobility, but more fundamentally, transportation improvement provides possibilities for employee mobility. Besides, compared with the labor force of traditional manufacturing industries, the labor force of emerging industries has the characteristics of rich knowledge or skill, rational thinking, and open-mindedness, and is more susceptible to transportation improvement when deciding workplace.
On this basis, the opening of high-speed rail indisputably promotes the optimization of regional resource allocation and the development of enterprises. But it may also have a siphoning effect in theory, that is, larger cities can better attract talents and natural resources from the surrounding area, leading to severer resource outflow and limited development of small cities. A large number of news reports have provided cases for this argument. China's high-speed rail construction has created many “one-hour high-speed rail circles”, shortening the time distance between cities, and making small-city talents seek employment in nearby big cities along the line more common. For example, after the high-speed rail was opened, employees in small cities go to work in big cities in the morning and return to live in small cities after work, creating a “Tale of Two Cities” in the morning and evening. The integration of resources such as population and land within the region has become possible.
In this context, this paper takes Chinese A-share listed companies from 2003 to 2020 as a sample to discuss the siphoning effect of employee mobility. It finds that after the opening of the high-speed rail, the employee mobility of emerging industry companies is differentiated according to the size of the city. Obtaining employees has become easier for emerging industry companies in large cities, but has become more difficult for companies in small cities, which indicates that the employee mobility of emerging industries has a siphoning effect of more market-oriented allocation in urban agglomerations. This conclusion still holds after a series of robustness tests. Further research shows that the outflow of employees from small cities is due to the ease of obtaining employment opportunities in big cities and the relieved pressure on housing prices after the opening of high-speed rail, but it is not affected by high wages in big cities. Finally, the aforementioned siphon effect has spatial limitations, it mainly exists in small cities within 2 hours of high-speed rail travel from big cities.
This paper makes contributions in the following three aspects. First, the labor force of emerging industries has characteristics that are obviously different from those of traditional industries, this paper uses it to study the siphoning effect of employee mobility after the opening of high-speed rail, which expands academic research on the development of emerging industries from the labor force level. Second, based on the perspective of talent acquisition in emerging industries, this paper finds the heterogeneous consequences of transportation improvement on employee mobility, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of how transportation improvement affects labor mobility. Third, this paper studies the siphoning effect of employee mobility in emerging industries under the city size heterogeneity and expands on the microeconomic consequences of the opening of high-speed rail.
This paper has the following policy implications. In the context of the coordinated regional development strategy and the construction of a unified national market, the key to the coordinated development of infrastructure construction and emerging industries lies in the precise and differentiated competition of emerging industries in accordance with local characteristics and endowments under the high-level unified planning. Therefore, it is necessary to break through the limitations and drawbacks of single urban planning, identify endowments and make overall planning from the height of each urban agglomeration in the region. This paper finds that the construction of transportation infrastructure represented by the opening of high-speed rail helps the talent elements of emerging industries flow with market orientation among cities, which is of great significance for the overall planning of the functional positioning of each city within the urban agglomeration and the cultivation of emerging industries.
Keywords:  Opening of High-speed Rail    Urban Agglomeration    Emerging Industries    Employee Mobility    Siphon Effect
JEL分类号:  J61   M51   H41  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家自然科学基金面上和重大项目(72072189、71790603)、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金杰出青年项目(2021B1515020052)的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  马新啸,管理学博士,副教授,中国海洋大学管理学院/中国企业营运资金管理研究中心,   
作者简介:  曹春方,管理学博士,教授,中山大学管理学院/现代会计与财务研究中心,
曹春方, 马新啸. 高铁时代“双城记”:新兴产业雇员流动的虹吸效应[J]. 金融研究, 2022, 508(10): 135-152.
CAO Chunfang, MA Xinxiao. Tale of Two Cities in the Era of High-speed Rail: The Siphon Effect of Employee Mobility in Emerging Industry. Journal of Financial Research, 2022, 508(10): 135-152.
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