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金融研究  2022, Vol. 500 Issue (2): 1-20    
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中国银行,北京 100818
Cross-Border Capital Flow: Driving Forces, Changing Patterns and Prospects
LIU Liange
Bank of China
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摘要 跨境金融的驱动因素和结构特征是理论界和实务界关注的重要话题。在当前复杂的国际经济金融形势下,厘清全球跨境金融的规律特征,对我国更好地利用“两个市场、两种资源”,防范外部金融风险具有重要意义。2008年国际金融危机以来,在经济周期、全球流动性、金融结构和监管政策等驱动因素的影响下,全球跨境金融活动呈现规模下降、结构调整、流向分化、主体切换和风险变化等特征。同时,银行跨境业务呈现综合化趋势,数字化转型提速,经营稳健性明显增强。我国跨境金融规模稳步增长,对国际收支的影响持续增强,在全球资金循环中的份额不断提高。未来,随着我国经济转型和对外开放步伐的加快,跨境金融的规模和结构还将发生深刻变化,风险日趋复杂。应引导形成与我国经济金融发展特征相匹配的跨境资金结构,平衡扩大开放与风险防控的关系,充分发挥银行业在跨境金融领域的“比较优势”。
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关键词:  跨境金融  金融账户  直接投资  组合投资  银行跨境债权    
Summary:  Cross-border finance substantially affects global economic growth and financial stability in the open economy, which is a crucial topic with academic and practical implications. After the 2008 Financial Crisis, the global economic and financial landscape underwent profound changes with new trends emerging in the driving forces and changing patterns of cross-border finance. In the current complex situation, clarifying the rules and features of global cross-border finance could improve China's “two markets and two resources” policy and prevent external financial risks. This paper examines the key driving factors and changing patterns of global cross-border finance after 2008, analyzes the development trend of China's cross-border finance from an international perspective, and proposes suggestions for future prospects.
This paper shows that after 2008, the main driving forces of global cross-border finance were the slowdown of global economic growth, increased imbalance in regional economic development, declined current account deficits, loosened global liquidity, narrowed risk-free rate of return, and growing “search for yield” motivation. In addition, the global financial structure changed massively and the share of nonbank financial institutions rose significantly. Regulations on cross-border capital flows became stricter, foreign direct investment (FDI) inspections were enhanced significantly, and banks' cross-border regulations tightened. The patterns of cross-border finance changed dramatically. The scale of cross-border capital flows declined and the structure of cross-border finance changed with a decreasing share of FDI, while the proportion of portfolio investments and other investments increased. The direction of cross-border finance diverged, with FDI mainly flowing to emerging economies, while developed economies were still the main destination for portfolio investments and other investments. Nonbank financial institutions were playing an increasingly important role in cross-border finance and the US dollar was still the dominant currency. Since then, the features of cross-border financial risks have changed, with portfolio investment having increasing impacts on financial stability, the vulnerability of the nonbank sector having increased, and currency mismatches remaining prominent in several emerging markets. The banking sector responds to low interest rates by optimizing the allocation of cross-border assets and liabilities, expanding noninterest income, and enhancing effective cost-control measures. Banks obtain cross-border customers through digital channels and improve cross-border operating efficiency through digital technologies. Furthermore, the stability of banks is improved by fewer complicated and interlinked businesses.
With the acceleration of economic transformation and opening-up, China's cross-border finance activities have a greater influence on the balance of international payments with a growing share in global cross-border capital flows. China's international investment assets are more balanced, with FDI rising rapidly and portfolio investments and other investments increasing steadily. China's international investment liabilities are also growing much faster, but FDI still occupies a dominant share of cross-border finance while the proportion of portfolio investments increases significantly. With the growing volume of cross-border finance, the increased complexity and risk are mainly reflected in the increasing pressure of FDI inspections, the rapid increase in portfolio investment liabilities, and the growing compliance risk of banks' cross-border businesses.
In the future, developing cross-border finance in the context of China's construction of a new development pattern, in which the domestic cycle is at the center with dual domestic and international cycles promoting each other, will be of great importance. China should achieve its goals of serving the real economy and promoting trade and investment facilitation. The formation of a cross-border capital structure matches the features of China's economic and financial development. China should also take advantage of the pull effects of FDI, especially in the areas of high-tech manufacturing and producer services. In addition, China should balance the relationship between opening-up and risk by using the exchange rate as an “automatic stabilizer” for the macro-control system and the international balance of payment, strengthen the monitoring of short-term foreign debts and the trading behaviors of investment entities, enhance the comparative advantages of the banking sector in cross-border finance, and develop new patterns through bank internationalization.
Keywords:  Cross-Border Finance    Financial Account    Direct Investment    Portfolio Investment    Cross-Border Bank Claims
JEL分类号:  F30   G15  
作者简介:  刘连舸,任职于中国银行。
刘连舸. 跨境金融:驱动因素、结构特征与未来路径[J]. 金融研究, 2022, 500(2): 1-20.
LIU Liange. Cross-Border Capital Flow: Driving Forces, Changing Patterns and Prospects. Journal of Financial Research, 2022, 500(2): 1-20.
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