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金融研究  2020, Vol. 484 Issue (10): 131-149    
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南开大学APEC研究中心,天津 300071;
清华大学国情研究院,北京 100084
Import and Employees' Income: A Case Study of Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises
XU Jiayun
APEC Study Center, Nankai University;
Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Tsinghua University
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摘要 进口企业的职工工资直接关系到企业员工的民生福祉和劳动力市场的就业稳定性。本文基于中国制造业微观企业数据,就进口贸易对企业职工收入的影响进行深入考察,结果表明:(1)进口有利于提高企业职工的平均工资水平,不过这种正向的“工资提升”效应在长期不具有持续性。(2)中介效应检验表明,进口通过竞争效应和激励效应作用于企业的工资水平。进一步使用倍差法、工具变量法等的估计结果也证实了上述结论的稳健性。(3)进口对企业工资水平的影响因企业所有制、是否出口、进口产品类型以及进口来源国的不同而具有显著的异质性。(4)引入劳动收入份额的分析表明,进口显著降低了企业的劳动收入份额。具体地,进口的“生产率提升效应”影响超过了“工资提升效应”影响。
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关键词:  进口  工资水平  劳动收入份额  制造业企业    
Summary:  In recent years, expanding import trade has become a new trade strategy in China. The outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan in 2016 clearly defines the strategic importance of expanding the import scale, optimizing import structures, and improving import quality. The expansion of imports can improve people's well-being. The active expansion of imports can increase supplies more effectively and directly to better meet people's growing needs for a better life. Moreover, the growth of residents' incomes and the reduction of the income gap are the premise and foundation for realizing the welfare effect of imports. In this context, I seek to understand the effects of import trade on labor income. In China, the study of the effects of import on employees' wages is related not only to the domestic income distribution system, but also to the competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises and the sustainable development of the Chinese economy. In other words, it is important to study the impact of import trade on the labor market in China.
In the current severe situation characterized by the rapid development of China's import trade, rising labor costs, and declining labor income, it is imperative to focus on the impact of import trade on the wages and salaries of enterprise employees to formulate industrial policies and change the mode of import trade in the future. In addition, it is important to determine the coordinated implementation of policies related to import trade and talent given the increasing pressure of labor costs. However, so far, the ways in which import trade affects the average wages of employees has not attracted adequate attention from scholars at home and abroad, with few studies directly discussing the relationship between import trade and the average wages of employees. In this light, I first comb the relevant mechanisms by which import trade affects enterprise income. Then, I construct a measurement model using matching data from China's industrial enterprise database and customs database for the 2000-2013 period to comprehensively and systematically investigate the impact of imports on the average wage level and the share of labor income in enterprises. Based on this benchmark analysis, I further use the mediating effect model to test the mechanism of the effect of imports on the average wage level. Then, I use the difference-in-differences method and instrument variables to confirm the robustness of the above conclusions.
The results show that at first, imports significantly increase employees' average wages, but the positive wage spillover effect is not persistent. Second, the mediating effect test shows that the “competition effect” and “incentive effect” are important channels through which imports affect the average wage in enterprises. In addition, these effects are significantly different across firms with different characteristics, including different ownership structures and different export decisions. Moreover, the magnitude of these effects differs by the type of product imported and the source of importation. Finally, although imports significantly increase the average wages of enterprise employees, they significantly reduce the share of labor income in enterprises. Specifically, imports not only increase the average wages of enterprise employees, but also induce a greater increase in labor productivity, thus completely offsetting the “wage increase” effect.
The main contributions of this study are as follows: (1) this study is different from most studies on the impact of trade liberalization on the income of enterprise employees. This study directly discusses the economic effects of imports from the perspectives of wage level and share of labor income, divides it from the perspective of capital goods and intermediate goods, and enriches the literature on the evaluation of the trade welfare effect. In addition, it systematically and comprehensively investigates the effects of imports on the wage level and share of labor income of enterprise employees to provide a basis for understanding the import activities of Chinese enterprises. (2) This study not only examines the current impact of import trade on the wages and salaries of enterprise employees, but also explores the dynamic impact of imports on the wages and salaries of enterprise employees. (3) Considering the heterogeneity of enterprises in reality, this study investigates the effects of imports on the wages and salaries of employees of manufacturing enterprises with different characteristics and compares and analyzes the effects of different types of imports.
Keywords:  Import    Average Wage    Wage Inequality    Labor Income Share    Manufacturing Enterprises
JEL分类号:  D21   F16   J30  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家社科基金后期资助项目(19FJYB049)、国家社科基金重大项目(18ZDA078)、南开大学2020年亚洲研究中心资助项目(AS2005)以及教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(17JJDGW007)的资助。
作者简介:  许家云,经济学博士,副研究员,南开大学APEC研究中心,清华大学国情研究院,
许家云. 进口与企业员工收入——以中国制造业企业为例[J]. 金融研究, 2020, 484(10): 131-149.
XU Jiayun. Import and Employees' Income: A Case Study of Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises. Journal of Financial Research, 2020, 484(10): 131-149.
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