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金融研究  2022, Vol. 507 Issue (9): 152-168    
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申丹琳, 江轩宇
中国矿业大学(北京)管理学院,北京 100083;
中央财经大学会计学院/中国管理会计研究与发展中心,北京 100081
Social Trust and Corporate Labor Investment Efficiency
SHEN Danlin, JIANG Xuanyu
School of Management, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing);
School of Accountancy, Central University of Finance & Economics / China's Management Accounting Research & Development Center
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摘要 本文从非正式制度的视角,研究了社会信任与企业劳动投资效率的关系。研究发现,社会信任有助于提高企业劳动投资效率。进一步研究表明,社会信任与企业劳动投资效率的相关关系在融资约束越强以及代理冲突更严重的企业中更显著。同时,随着信息不对称程度的加大,社会信任对企业劳动投资效率的提升作用更显著。此外,社会信任对企业劳动投资效率的改善主要表现为降低劳动投资不足,且对雇佣不足与解雇过度两个方面都存在抑制作用。本文丰富了社会信任的经济后果和企业投资效率影响因素的研究,对于揭示社会信任在企业劳动投资中的作用以及提高劳动投资效率具有一定启示意义。
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关键词:  社会信任  劳动投资效率  融资约束  代理冲突  信息不对称    
Summary:  Labor is an especially important resource for firms, and it is crucial for the competitiveness of micro enterprises and the development of the macro economy. Therefore, exploring the factors that influence corporate labor investment efficiency is significant in both theory and practice for enhancing the competitive advantage of enterprises and adapting to economic development trends.
The literature examines the factors that influence labor investment efficiency from the perspective of formal systems, such as labor protection, relaxation of short selling constraints, and financial reporting quality, but it neglects the role of informal systems. It is worth noting that formal systems cannot stipulate all operating rules in detail. This suggests the need to investigate the role of informal systems that are internalized in habit and cognition and impose involuntary constraints. As an informal system, trust is a vital form of social capital. However, current research does not explore whether and how social trust affects labor investment efficiency.
Based on a sample of China's A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2018, this paper studies the relation between social trust and labor investment efficiency. The results show that social trust improves corporate labor investment efficiency. Further research demonstrates that the relation between social trust and labor investment efficiency is stronger in firms with severe financial constraints and serious agency conflicts. Moreover, as information asymmetry increases, social trust plays a more significant role in promoting labor investment efficiency. In addition, the effect of improved social trust on corporate labor investment efficiency is mainly manifested in a reduction in under-investment in labor. Social trust can reduce both under-hiring and over-firing of labor.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows. First, by focusing on social trust, the study enriches the literature on the factors influencing corporate labor investment efficiency. Previous studies show that financial reporting quality, conditional conservatism, monitoring of long-term institutional investors, relaxation of short selling constraints, and labor protection are significantly related to corporate labor investment efficiency. However, the literature mainly focuses on formal systems. This paper extends attention to informal systems and discusses the relation between social trust and corporate labor investment efficiency, and thus supplements the existing research.
Second, the study expands the literature on the impact of social trust on micro enterprises from the perspective of corporate labor investment efficiency. Previous research demonstrates the effect of social trust on trade credit, bank loans, risk-taking, mergers and acquisitions, innovation, capital investment efficiency, etc., but neglects labor investment efficiency. There are many differences between labor investment and capital expenditure, and thus the conclusions of previous research concerning the relation between social trust and capital investment efficiency may not be applicable to labor investment efficiency. In addition, labor investment efficiency affects firm performance and macroeconomic growth. This paper relates social trust to labor investment efficiency to obtain a better understanding of how social trust influences the development of micro enterprises and macroeconomic growth.
Third, this paper identifies the mechanisms and specific forms of social trust that can improve corporate labor investment efficiency. The study provides empirical evidence for the mechanisms through which social trust enhances labor investment efficiency from the perspective of financial constraints and agency conflicts. Following prior studies, the paper partitions the sample into subsamples: labor over-investment (over-hiring and under-firing) and labor under-investment (under-hiring and over-firing). It then runs regressions on the subsamples to explore the specific forms of social trust affecting labor investment efficiency. This can not only reveal the underlying mechanisms of social trust influencing labor investment efficiency but also provide insights into the relation between social trust and corporate labor investment.
Keywords:  Social Trust    Labor Investment Efficiency    Financial Constraints    Agency Conflicts    Information Asymmetry
JEL分类号:  G31   M51   Z13  
基金资助: * 本文感谢国家自然科学基金面上项目(71972193、71872175)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2022YQGL01)的资助。感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见,文责自负。
通讯作者:  申丹琳,管理学博士,讲师,中国矿业大学(北京)管理学院,   
作者简介:  江轩宇,管理学博士,副教授,中央财经大学会计学院/中国管理会计研究与发展中心,
申丹琳, 江轩宇. 社会信任与企业劳动投资效率[J]. 金融研究, 2022, 507(9): 152-168.
SHEN Danlin, JIANG Xuanyu. Social Trust and Corporate Labor Investment Efficiency. Journal of Financial Research, 2022, 507(9): 152-168.
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